A Conversation for American Football Forum

The Beauty of Stats ...

Post 1

Bright Blue Shorts

*Spoiler from kickoff game*

"Former Colts and current Saints cornerback Jason David scored the Saints' only touchdown on a fumble return, but he also was burned for three touchdowns. David is the first player since the NFL-AFL merger in 1970 to score a defensive touchdown in Week 1 against the team he played for in the previous season."

I expect he's also the only Indianapolis Colts player to score on a 55-yard fumble return in the first match after they won a Super Bowl, but I'll have to check back through the logs ...

The Beauty of Stats ...

Post 2

Bright Blue Shorts

Another rubbish stat ...

Elam has 22 game-winning kicks and is only the second guy since 1970 to kick two game winning field goals in the final 2 minutes or overtime in each of the first two weeks. The others are Ryan Longwell (2006) and Adam Vinatieri (1999).

The Beauty of Stats ...

Post 3

Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!)

For only the third time in NFL history, and the first time since 1969, two QBs threw for 5 TDs each yesterday in the game between the Bengals and the Browns.

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