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i see you lol

Post 541


wot email thing have you asked him if hes ok and why he hasnt been on here for ages lol i havent been on for a while cos im so busy lmao xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 542


cant beleive you did that now everyone will see it now how did you do it smiley - sadface xxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 543


aww cant believe i did wot this<./>online</.> giggle oh i dont know wot you is on about now so
best ssshhh lol everyone will see wot ? xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 544


you no the email thing we have neighbours la la la lmao ;op xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 545


letting everone see myn messages i mean smiley - grr stop doing online its boring now lmao xxxxxxxxxxx smiley - rose xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 546


you cant see me on here now eh im going to get something to eat now awww dont cry nobody wants
to read you messages lol<./>online</.> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 547


is this wot im checking h2g2 a mesage from 3 weeks ago lol and you didnt say anything intresting wots wrong with you smiley - grr lmao xxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 548


well your not on here where are yousmiley - wahsmiley - wah lmaoxxxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 549


im on here now where are you lol smiley - kiss

i see you lol

Post 550


you took your time in replying didnt you lol

i see you lol

Post 551


well we cant al be as fast as you lol smiley - run

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