This is the Message Centre for jay221

i see you lol

Post 1


how did you manage to do that no that you will tell me eh lol anyways im going off now see you later maybe smiley - cry lol xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 2


its hard to explain giggle you go
on my page when i have finished and have a look at my edit page thing that will give you an idea eh lmaosmiley - biggrinxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 3


you is so in bother with my mum lol smiley - run i cant get on your page tell me on yoome i cant mind giggle get off here now xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 4


why am i in bother off your mum
lol why cant you get on my page you know the password and login name DOH! lmaosmiley - tongueoutxxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 5


cos you left smiley - ale in my fridge lmao thats why awww i cant mind your password silly i see your still on you never talk to me this long smiley - cry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 6


tell you wot you go on my page and fix whos online i cant smiley - cry anyways im going off now see you later about 7 eh lol i can see how you got everything in huge box though i will fix that after xxxxxsmiley - lovexxxxsmiley - cupidxxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 7


why dont you just delete everything off your page and start again lol thats wot i didsmiley - tongueoutthat weired that the mince cost that much giggle nope i have gone off yet but im going for a nap soonsmiley - biggrinxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 8


oi its not my fault you like drinking strong tins giggle give your mum one she might like it lmaosmiley - tongueoutim still heresmiley - rainbowlol xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 9


have you told me your password and login yet so i can copy yours lmao smiley - rainbow i do know you is still flucking here lol i thought you was going for a nap im miles behind on my page and you isnt helping meanie :o( xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
smiley - cupid will you meet me at 7 or wot? smiley - cuddle xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 10


well since you isnt talking to me smiley - biggrin im going off again im getting shot of pc after to get better look at wots up with mines its ok you dont need to help me smiley - cry lol xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 11


awww you cant copy mine thats cheating giggle i will tell you my password on yoome before i have my tea i will try to be on for 7 if i dont fall asleep lol i
am really going now wot do you think of my page now then lol your jealous ehsmiley - rainbowxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 12


what do you think about my page then im trying lol i only want to copy how to do online thats all im doing me own page giggle ttfn sleepyhead smiley - smooch 20mins you took to reply lol xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 13


awwww thanks i fixed it it only took you all day to help me lol see you soon loads of smiley - cuddle and smiley - smooch xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 14


im going off now i couldnt get anything to work smiley - sorry ttfn xxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 15


have you called give your page a
facelift giggle it doesnt look any different to me lol awww it will never be as good as mine eh lmao im going to put some more stuff on it nowsmiley - biggrin xxxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 16


what are you talking about there is nothing wrong with my page moany face smiley - silly lol and your page is minging right lmao smiley - smooch xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 17


awww i know your page is alot better then mine so stop crying i
havent added much to mine yet lol

i see you lol

Post 18


wot you on about stop showing off cos your page is ok lol i thought i would find you on here have you been on all day? xxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 19


smiley - tongueoutnope i havent been on here allday i have only been on since 4.30 oi you should be on yoome get of and leave me to finish my page lmao xxxxxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 20


are you going to reply to me some
time today lmao you aresmiley - drunkeh giggle xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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