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i see you lol

Post 81


smiley - tongueoutawww dont be like that
giggle i have just told you where
to find i was just going on yoome
lmao i found the id number for online thingy too but i have forgot which one it is i have wrote a few downsmiley - drunkxxxxxxxxxxxxask your toyboy giggle for the id number
for onling thingy :oP

i see you lol

Post 82


its no fair i got some of it typed out 3 times then i couldnt see wot i was saying smiley - cry i will do it on pc have you gone now then xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 83


i havent gone yet i almost did though i was falling asleep waiting for you lol it will be quicker on pc eh when i was doing
it the writing in the box kept vanishing lmao xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 84


are you still the cos im not getting any replies giggle xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 85


im here go send me a message and tell me if it worked i updated and it didnt look different after writing alllll that out giggle xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 86


you only waitied 12mins on me i waited 38 on you last night lol hope mines worked im no typing that again lol are we going on yoome soon for bit? smiley - love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 87


you got to be kidding giggle have you seen the time i havent had my
tea yet so i wont be going on yoome for a bit lolsmiley - tongueoutim
going off now xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 88


awwww i didnt notice the time while your gone for tea im going to try adding them skins and make my page look good smiley - biggrin see you soon xxxxxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 89


im off to the shop now for somesmiley - alelol one of my dogs is ill it keeps being sick when she has had a drink of water xxxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 90


you didnt say if you was coming back on smiley - sadface im sorry to hear about one of your dogs maybe its the change in weather let me know eh smiley - smiley xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 91


i dont think its the change of
the weather my other dog started
like this and we had to have it put to sleep smiley - sadface it was cancer wot my other dog had i dont know wot to think she is just doing the same as my other dog did she
is resting now so hopefully she
will be ok for tomorrow xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxoh my online thing
as vanished i wonder where it as gone lolsmiley - biggrinmy page seems to
work alot better now i have took some of the links offsmiley - tongueout

i see you lol

Post 92


if she is still same tomorrow call the vet dont frett she could just have upset tummy smiley - sadface you must have online thing in your drop down box eh and you havent told me lmao im going to check your page im nosey lol xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 93


did you check my page for online
thingy then giggle bet it didnt
work eh my dog seems to be ok now
it hasnt been sick for a couple of hours now awww you havent said
thanx for wot i have done to your
page lmao xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 94


course i did thanks its on my page now lmao im happy bout your dog course i am smiley - smiley wot was you doing to my page i cant stop laughing for fixing it lol did you know i was just on yours giggle xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 95


aww i was only making the boxes bigger so they could fit me in giggle awww wot have you done to
my page you have messed it up giggle stop itsmiley - tongueoutleave my
page alone itssmiley - okxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 96


i dont want bigger boxes cos it wont let me do bigger font and colored writing lol i havnt touched your page why you taking so long to reply giggle smiley - tongueout my page is smiley - ok too xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 97


of course it will let you do bigger writing and different colours lol i can do it any of my
boxes so you should be able to do
it thickosmiley - tongueoutlmao wot you on about taking ages to reply its
you wot is taking 3 months to reply<biggrin<xxxxxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 98


i know i can do it but it just dont work lol dont laugh its anoying me loads smiley - steam giggle earlier you didnt reply when i expected it lmao are you going on yoome tonight? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 99


wot do you want big font on it wont work on the links i have tried it giggle nope im not going
on yoome tonight im going to go to bed soon so hurry up and join mesmiley - lovei watched something called the club the other night have you seen it its like big brother but they work in a nightclub lol xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i see you lol

Post 100


i have only just noticed the time lol i want big font on wipe your feet message thats all lmao no i didnt see the club you should have told me before wot channel is it on temptation island is back on wednesday smiley - biggrin you is watching that eh lmao xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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