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Dads divorced trying to keep family alive.Xmas

Post 1


Hello I'm new:

Actually looked at H2G2 page on Family and
separated parents and advice for NON res. parents.

Not sure but seems this is a bit of an encyclopedia so may stand in some time capsule !! Definetely got uptight with its offering on Non res parent:
Said we should accept we are visitors in our family and "enjoy what time you have " If I summarise correctly. How can I change that greeeting entry to :

Well no. Family life is important to children and adults and we should keep constant to make that happen despite family law , tax system, CSA and all the other penalties launched agaisnt us.

Hi all: My name is Phil.

Since separation family life on my side has suffered badly BUT:
I have fought the CSA over five years and tamed them. The cost has been enormous. But ready to rebuild family life.smiley - smiley

Just wondered if there were any separated parents out there who havent given up and might enjoy saying hello and how we are trying to keep our side of the family together.
Particularly any parent who for whatever reason will be forbidden/ not be able to be with their family this Christmas lets plot for a good time anyway and support our efforts to maintain family.
In South London, meet you for a walk , a talk or even a game of badminton if you like. I'm not bad. Mutual support for NON res struggling to keep family life

kind regards P
Oh and Ps can we change that intro entry for non res parents on this site. No it is not the reality and its advice is unsound.

Dads divorced trying to keep family alive.Xmas

Post 2

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit reading
"< A619814 > 'Being a Non-residential or Single Parent'
< A265169 > 'H2G2 Parent and Child Group.'

Well strangely enough that is all I can find on the subject, apparently we are all happy family or offline working on it smiley - smiley

< <./>Welcome</.> > to HooToo smiley - dontpanic

An ACE will leave you a welcome and introduction to this site on your Personal Space smiley - ok "

Dads divorced trying to keep family alive.Xmas

Post 3

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - run Better late, than never smiley - puffsmiley - puff

Hi Phil,

I've left you a message in your Personal Space. I hope it helps you find your way about our site smiley - ok

Thank you Tsmiley - titT for welcoming our new friend smiley - smoochsmiley - hug

lil xx
smiley - magic

Dads divorced trying to keep family alive.Xmas

Post 4


oh thought I was replying to a respondee ......

but here we are in Cyberspace.... Well anyway did u hear about the chicken that went into the library ...
Psmiley - smiley

Dads divorced trying to keep family alive.Xmas

Post 5

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

It wanted to have a read? smiley - biggrin

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