A Conversation for British Army Headgear

Peer Review: A853986 - Army Headgear

Post 1


Entry: Army Headgear - A853986
Author: Who? - U202489

I know there are more items than this, but I have little or no experience of them.

I think.

A853986 - Army Headgear

Post 2


Another interesting article about the British Army. I think its covers most type of headgear. However, I would dispute your description of the standard beret being Royal Blue. Royal Blue is comparatively bright, easily recognisable as blue. The Navy Blue beret I wore could be mistaken as being black, until it is seen next to the black beret of the Royal Armoured Corp, then the difference becomes obvious.

The only true blue berets I ever came across where those of the UN and the Army Air Corp and both of them were a pale blue.



A853986 - Army Headgear

Post 3


No, it IS Royal Blue as described on the item name. However, it is only the description of the colour, the exact shade varied a lot. It varied even more with age and whatever use it was put to. Some of the REME berets had a distinct brown hue after a few weeks.

A853986 - Army Headgear

Post 4


Sorry Who, but in my 22 years, 116 days in the Army I have never come across a Royal Blue beret, unless its changed in the last fifteen years. Most, if not all of the Infantry, REME, RA, Royal Signals and RE all wore Navy Blue berets. They may take on a different hue with age and wear, but the original colour remains Navy Blue.

If you have a graphics programme you can compare Royal Blue with Navy Blue using RGB colours. An approximation of Royal Blue is 26,15,153. Navy Blue is closer to 3,3,50



A853986 - Army Headgear

Post 5


OK I give in. I've changed the entry too.

A853986 - Army Headgear

Post 6


Sorry to be pedantic about this Who, but the colour is Navy Blue. Think of the colour of a sailors bell-bottom trouser or a Police uniform. That's Navy Blue.

While on about the colour of blue. Blue comes near the middle of the visible spectrum of light. Consequently the human eye is most sensative to blue can detect more shades of blue than any other colour. Forget about your forty shades of green, blue runs into the hundreds.



A853986 - Army Headgear

Post 7


NAVY blue? - One colour it NEVER was.

(It might have been navy blue, but the Army would never admit to it)

A853986 - Army Headgear

Post 8


You must have been in a different Army than I was. We had no problems refering to the beret we wore as Navy Blue. I'll have to dig out one of my old mates from the QMs Department and see what he has to say about it.


A853986 - Army Headgear

Post 9



A853986 - Army Headgear

Post 10

Two Bit Trigger Pumping Moron

I think the title should be changed to British Army headgear.

A853986 - Army Headgear

Post 11


Fair enough
BUT - are there no US servicemen who can comment on their headgear?

Come on America! smiley - smiley

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 12

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If you'd like to know what happens now, check out the page on 'What Happens after your Entry has been Recommended?' at EditedGuide-Process. We hope this explains everything.

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Sub-Editor Calling - A867008

Post 13


Hello, Who?; hello, Peer Reviewers!

Hi, I'm GTBacchus and I'll be your Sub this evening. smiley - smiley I'm just posting here to let you know that I'm working on this entry, on a copy that's located at A867008. As you may already know, we use a copy to edit and put in the Edited Guide, leaving your original unaltered, unless you edit it yourself.

Now, I've only begun to look at the entry, really. It doesn't look like I'll have to do much editing, as it seems well written and thorough. If you'd like to look over my shoulder as I work, feel free; I'll be doing it over the weekend, mostly. If you have any questions, comments, complains, or corrections, just post here, in this thread. Either way, I'll post again to let you know when I'm done, so you can give it a final look-over before I send it in to the Towers, for one more polish and placing in the queue for the Front Page! smiley - wow

Congratulations on getting picked, and thanks for the great entry!

smiley - cheers

Sub-Editor Calling - A867008

Post 14


Actually, I have a question. What's 'REME', and what's 'LAD REME'? I assume 'NCO' is 'Non-Commissioned Officer'?

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