This is the Message Centre for Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery

Post 1

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

I would like to announce the opening of "Gallery 42" an online art gallery for h2g2 artists.

A number of us have been posting links to our various artistic works and have found that there is a considerable amount of talent in Hootoo-land.

At the suggestion of Alfredo, I opened Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Art Gallery on my own Fotki space. Mother of God has offered us our first exhibit piece, entitled "Terrorized". We will be holding a Vernisage in the near future (as soon as we figure out how to hold one on-line). The URL for Gallery 42 is

Currently, there is one main gallery. However, I have hopes of opening galleries for various "special exhibits", for various media (photographic, ceramic, crafts, etc.). Anyone may submit work.

Currently, submission requirements are:

The work must be your own and must conform to copyright laws (i.e.; not using copyrighted material which to you do not have rights).
No obscene or pornographic work (Questionable material will be reviewed by a panel.)

I recognise that there may be work which has great artistic merit but which some might take offense to. I may, therefore, consider opening a special gallery for pieces which may be of an adult nature. This gallery would be accessible only by password.

Contributors should submit a photo of the work to mudhooks@(remove) along with their name (the name they wish posted with the work, and a blurb about it. They should also note the media (pencil, oil pastel on paper, watercolour, etc.).

Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery

Post 2


HI Mudhooks, I have a bunch of artwork I have submitted to Webshots - would you take a look at that site and find a few paintings you like best for me to send you? I would just start sending stuff, but I have dial up, and it takes forever to email pics. So it would be good to narrow down to a few favorites.

By the way, tell Manic Vixen about Gallery 42, she is a wonderful artist.

Here's my page:

Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery

Post 3

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

Yes, I picked 1 and have loaded it already. If you would prefer a different choice, let me know. Can you give me an idea of the medium and, if you have a blurb, feel free to leave a comment on the Fotki page for them and I will add it.

Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery

Post 4


Am I doing something wrong? When I click on the link it says that the album is empty.


Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery

Post 5

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

try now.

Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery

Post 6


smiley - ok


Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery

Post 7


"Execution" is an oil on canvas. It was inspired by a scan of colored metallic foil. The title is a play on words, to "execute" a work of art.

Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery

Post 8


A suggestion - how about putting the artist's name next to the title so that we can see who has done what from viewing the thumbnails as well?


Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery

Post 9

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - bigeyes
Yay, pitchers!
smiley - cheers

Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery

Post 10

Researcher 556780

JEllen, thank you very much for thinking of me, very flattering smiley - blushsmiley - smooch and Mudhooks thanks for acknowledgin' smiley - biggrin

Will send some soon.

smiley - rainbow

Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery

Post 11

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

The artist's name is below the title. The problem was evident with the very first work. Putting the artist's name beside the title came out as "Terrorized Mother of God", "Terrorized by Mother of God", or "Terrorized: Mother of God".... I think you will agree that the name underneath mis the better way to go.

Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery

Post 12


I was just thinking about when there are lots and lots of photos to peruse . . . which I think will be soon.

Once it gets beyond a few pages I think many hootoo members would enjoy looking at the thumbnails and seeing who the artist is without having to click on them.

Perhaps (for example) 'Terrorized' and then (by Mother of God) in brackets?


Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery

Post 13

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

True... I'll fiddle with them.smiley - smiley

Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery

Post 14

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

Alfredo and Titania's are up.

Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery

Post 15

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Did you get mine yet, huh? Did ya, did ya?

smiley - smiley

Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery

Post 16


and mine? and mine?

Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery

Post 17

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

Down, Boys.... down!

Yes, and they are up.

Just a note for the present, Please keep the numbers of images to a maximum of thre. Once the rush dies down, we can see about loading more.

So far everyone except MoG has at least two up. I can't seem to get her second one loaded... smiley - weird

Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery

Post 18

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

Bloody 'eck... Maximum of three (3)

Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery

Post 19


If it's alright, Mudhooks, I'll send you my thrid one in just a minute. Then I'll stop.

Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery

Post 20

clzoomer- a bit woobly

I sent a frth one. Bad zoomer!

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