A Conversation for The Even Deeper Meaning Of Liff - The Saga Continues...

Large Lump of Liff

Post 1

Dave Rogers

I've assembled all the Liff stuff from my old h2g2 pages, plus some new ones, alphabetised them, and bunged the whole lot onto a new page ... The Ever-Expanding Meaning of Liff.

Large Lump of Liff

Post 2

Mu Beta

The only problem being that we now appear to be running two Liff pages in competition smiley - sadface

I only took over this page because you hadn't been seen on site for ages, and the general asssumption was that you weren't returning. Since then, I've added a fair amount of new material as well.


Large Lump of Liff

Post 3

Dave Rogers

I was just carrying on with what used to happen in the past i.e. I used to keep my Liff stuff on my own pages, then the editors just took whatever bits they wanted from it and added it to the "official" version. It seems like the best way, actually, since only the best ones get picked for the official version, and all the lesser ones are still available if anyone is desperate enough to want to read them. Would it help if I retitled my page to look less like the official one? I'll just call it "Liff-isms Collection" or something.

I will also add a note at the top, to the effect that this is a personal page and not the official version.

Large Lump of Liff

Post 4

Mu Beta

Well...I wouldn't go to all that trouble. And I'm not sure I'd call this one the 'official' version - it's just larger. smiley - winkeye

It's more a case of me being way too idle to comb through yours, pick out the good bits which aren't here and add them.smiley - biggrin


Large Lump of Liff

Post 5

Dave Rogers

I've changed my page title to "JDR's Liff collection", so it's much less easily confused with the main Liff page, and I've added a link to the main page.
Another point is, that these pages are getting huge, if we tried to combine *everything* it would become unwieldy to edit, and for people to use.

I'm quite happy to let it continue like this, if that's okay by you.

I'll carry on adding my own stuff to my own page, and to save you having to wade through it all, I can point out to you now and again any that I think you might like to add to the main page (and of course feel free to use any by your own judgement).

Large Lump of Liff

Post 6

Mu Beta

That'd be best. It looks like I've got two semi-regular contributors here, who are churning out some fine stuff.

And it is getting somewhat unwieldy.smiley - smiley

Maybe best to start an overflow page.


Large Lump of Liff

Post 7

Nigel Willis (Researcher 202923)

You could do each letter (or small groups of uncommon letters) on its own page. That should make things slightly easier to edit and access. Just a thought.

Oh, and I need about seven more liffs before my third and latest batch is up to the usual two pages of material and ready to post.... smiley - biggrin

Large Lump of Liff

Post 8

Mu Beta

smiley - groanTwo pages?smiley - doh


Large Lump of Liff

Post 9

Nigel Willis (Researcher 202923)

Oh, come on. I ALWAYS submit two pages' worth of definitions. It ain't THAT bad. Preparing to transmit....smiley - biggrin

Large Lump of Liff

Post 10

Nigel Willis (Researcher 202923)

Oh, and Dave, Master B: If one of you would be so kind as to provide a link to The Ever-Expanding Meaning of Liff, as my websearch proved fruitless, I'd be more than willing to go through both versions of this oeuvre and pick out the new ones for easier amalgamation into one work. What say you?

Large Lump of Liff

Post 11

Mu Beta

A883325 - anything to make my life easier smiley - winkeye

Thanks for the new selection, Nigel - I'll edit them in when I've got a minute.


Large Lump of Liff

Post 12

Bebel Matman Owlatron's Thundercat Tshirt Dude

Magnificent! You put my entries in! I'm so proud, wait til I tell my mum, this will help no end in alleviating the atmosphere since the Curtains Incident.
I don't know where to get some random place names to define, if someone gives me some I'd love to help!
Why does neither list give the actual Liff definition itself, or am I just being ignorant?

Large Lump of Liff

Post 13

Mu Beta

Because the actual Liff definition is in the book...we've scrupulously avoided nicking any of that. This is an update, not a copy.smiley - ok

"I don't know where to get some random place names to define"

An atlas???


Large Lump of Liff

Post 14

Bebel Matman Owlatron's Thundercat Tshirt Dude

Bit hard to find an atlas that's not being used at work ,that's all. smiley - sadface I'll have a look.

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