This is the Message Centre for Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

To VV's Friends

Post 1

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Why do I Care?

....because I do!
It upset me when I hurt you,
Who then hurts me...

Oh! C'est la vie!

Another ramble by lil ol' me

I posted that verse before Christmas and it still applies today. That was my very first serious Journal about my feelings.


For those unaware, Vicki Virago has left Hootoo and turned in her ACE badge.

I am currently closing down her conversations and once this Journal is posted, her friends listing will be deleted too.

VV says, thank you for being her friends.. and thank you for the fish!!

lil xx
VV's Mum.

To VV's Friends

Post 2

Pdmatthew - Probably In a corner somewhere with a guitar

smiley - sadface why is she leaving smiley - sadface

To VV's Friends

Post 3

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...


Please give her our love and assure her that our thoughts are with her.

Look after her for us - she is very special

smiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hug

To VV's Friends

Post 4

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Thank you Feisor smiley - hug

I will pass that on smiley - cuddle


There have been too many upsets that she feels responsible for. Plus it isn't helping her depression. So she has gone. smiley - cuddle

lil xx

To VV's Friends

Post 5

Pdmatthew - Probably In a corner somewhere with a guitar

smiley - sadface

To VV's Friends

Post 6

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

It happens love smiley - smoochsmiley - cuddle

To VV's Friends

Post 7


Ditto everything else.

smiley - rosesmiley - goodlucksmiley - giftsmiley - dontpanic

Take care, VV!

To VV's Friends

Post 8


When i'm smiley - blue i alwysfind it helps to come in h2.Even if i don't feel like posting,i can lurk,and it does me good.smiley - goodluck to VV,hope she soon feels better.

To VV's Friends

Post 9

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

And so sadly, another of the brighter chapters of H2G2 comes to a close. And my friends list diminishes by one more.

Indeed, far too frequently, life sucks.

To VV's Friends

Post 10

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Hope things look brighter for her soonsmiley - towel

Nohing much seems to make sense to me and I am not making very good sense myself!

I wish people would stop changing their names for one thingsmiley - wah
*endlessly confused*

To VV's Friends

Post 11


all the best to vickie smiley - kiss

To VV's Friends

Post 12

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

smiley - erm

To VV's Friends

Post 13

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Send my love to VV, and let her please remember that at any time she can come back if that is what she wishes. I feel as If I know her well, though I think actually we did not necessarily talk on here as much as we may of. I miss her, and the oppertunity to have gotten to know her better still. smiley - smoochsmiley - sadface

To VV's Friends

Post 14

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

2legs, I will make certain she reads all the messages sent to her.. smiley - smoochsmiley - hug

To VV's Friends

Post 15

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Thanks smiley - smooch I think I've her Email too smiley - smileysmiley - blush

To VV's Friends

Post 16

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

I think you have, if not I can send it to you smiley - cuddlesmiley - smooch

To VV's Friends

Post 17

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - smileysmiley - smoochsmiley - erm I feel hungry again... time for supper smiley - biggrinsmiley - smoochsmiley - blush

To VV's Friends

Post 18

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - hug You go and eat smiley - smoochsmiley - cuddle

I will still be here tomorrow.. smiley - kiss

To VV's Friends

Post 19

Wrinkled Rocker

smiley - hug

smiley - rose
smiley - smooch

Come back soon, VVVVVVV!

To VV's Friends

Post 20

Yes,I am the Lady Lowena!Get with the programme...

VV never upset me once and I will stand up and say that in any court of law in any land.Its been a real pleasure to know that shes been here on hootoo.I'm really sorry that shes still suffering from depression boy i have that tee-shirt.If she wants to let me have her e-mail I would love to keep up with her, she is an icredibly special person who is well loved on here and elsewhere no doubt and thats all that matters in the end...smiley - biggrin

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