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Seeing the warning signs

Post 1

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

OK. I’m starting to get a little worried now. I’m beginning to see signs that all is not well with me again.

How does it start? Well…things like “Did I lock the front door” “Did I turn off the car lights” “Have I locked the car up?” They’re things like that which have progressed into “Did I pass that message on to so and so at work?” “Did I take the post?”

My memory is beginning to fail be quite spectacularly at the moment. It makes me feel inadequate. Not up to the job.

I don’t feel I can discuss this with G as he’s been through so much over the past year or so with looking after me and helping me get better. I feel I can’t burden him again with this. Mum has her own problems, and with VC having had a miscarriage, I don’t feel I can’t talk to her either.

I know none of you guys can help me. I know none of you have the answer.

There are things I want in life. I want to be married to G and I want to go for the new house (wherever that may be), but if I feel “down” then how can I go ahead with them? God. I want these things so much.

Even with these things in mind, I still can’t feel better about myself.

G has spotted the odd sign. Me being quite at home. Not talkative. I just want to sleep all the time too. I’m beginning to get quite snappy as well.

Oh, what do I do!!!

Seeing the warning signs

Post 2

Ivan the Terribly Average

Same as me. Nothing. smiley - hug

I've been forgetting minor details for years now. I have to double-check that I've locked the door, and try to avoid ironing so I don't have to remember to switch the iron off...

Anyway. Take a few deep breaths, and remember that these minor details *don't matter*.

Seeing the warning signs

Post 3

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

Oh just forget about it!

I'm doing it all the time, forgetting things, like that!

And if you fancy a chat about it or anything else, you know where i am!

smiley - hugsmiley - biggrin

Seeing the warning signs

Post 4

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

This is how it all started last year. I put G through so much that I don't want him to go through it again.

I don't enjoy "light relief" I don't laugh at comediens or anything funny.

I suppose I'm scared that it will all rollercoaster out of control again.

I know if this carries on, I will need to seek help. I can't keep hastling my doctor. Counselling doesn't work.

I'm looking around my desk atm with quite a bit to do, but I have no inclination to do it. I just sit and look at it. I can't change my job because of my sickness record of late. I can't give up work because we need the money to save up for the new house.

I feel trapped. Smothered, yet alone.

Seeing the warning signs

Post 5

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

I agree with not get your brain in a twist!

you could hang whiteboard in the hall where you "sign off" things as soon as you did them! you come home you sign car light and car light. at evening you lock the door and sign. make a little ritual of it.

Seeing the warning signs

Post 6

Ivan the Terribly Average

Before you project that far ahead - are you sure that you're not just tired? You have had a bit of a rollercoaster ride over the last few weeks/months; take deep breaths, take a walk around the block, drink lots of water, and sleep whenever you can. Spend the weekend doing nothing. See how you feel on Monday.

Seeing the warning signs

Post 7

Ivan the Terribly Average

Pheloxi's right. Develop a ritual, a micro-level routine, for routine tasks. It can make things easier to remember.

Seeing the warning signs

Post 8

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

also do not look to far ahead. a new house will still be there in few years.

do nothing in the weekend...not even thinking!

buy Paul Wilson's "the litlle book of calm" and / or "the litlle book of calm"
this sound strange, but it helped me while I was in hospital. do not take it to seriously. just place them near by and read a few pages and imagne them some where funny!

Seeing the warning signs

Post 9

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

strange? the posting about work something in it about inclnation about doing nothing, thats what works all about init??

You have a nice clean job! think of all those people who have to work for the basic wage, have dirty jobs where there managers treet them like $hit, can't play on here whist @ work, come home from work and have to have 2 baths not because they want to have 2 baths but have to have 2 baths, so the smell of gearbox oil they have been showered in all day, which smells like babys puke and seepes into your skin so it takes a week to wash it out, dos'ent make the missus gag, when you get into bed, or being able to have 2 holis a year somewhere nice and warm!

I'm Bipolar depressent, and i think life can be reeeeeaaaaalllly great and 3 seconds later its the most... "well don't talk to me about life"

my advice is this smiley - dontpanic

RJRsmiley - smiley

Seeing the warning signs

Post 10

Ivan the Terribly Average

And have as many baths as you want. They're rather relaxing, when you're not covered in filth in the first place.

Seeing the warning signs

Post 11

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

oh! I did not check my last posting
the fist is called
"the litlle book of calm"
and the other
"the litlle book of pleasure"

Seeing the warning signs

Post 12


If it continues go back to your gp.When you have suffered bouts of depressio you get used to the warningsigns...when they start ALWAYS remember to tell got better last time,and it will again.And because you recognise te signs it doesn't last as'll be fine...just let your brain have a rest as well as your something that isn't tiring,but disractsyou from thinking about yourself!!!!smiley - hug

Seeing the warning signs

Post 13


If you need to talk,mum has my number, call anytime n i'll even call you back if i can smiley - cuddle

Seeing the warning signs

Post 14

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

one other thing
..last time you did not realy know what to do and panicked. now you know and you can do something about it! you have the power!

Seeing the warning signs

Post 15

Ivan the Terribly Average

*nods in agreement*

Seeing the warning signs

Post 16

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

yeah good call!
smiley - hug

Seeing the warning signs

Post 17

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

send smiley - love to a good friend.

believe in your own strength!

Seeing the warning signs

Post 18

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

I wondered why you hadn't phoned me this morning, silly baby smiley - cuddle

Seeing the warning signs

Post 19

Wrinkled Rocker

You know, forgetting little things now and again is really nothing to worry about,....

smiley - erm what's-yer-name-again?

smiley - winkeye

Seeing the warning signs

Post 20


smiley - hug Agree with all of the above.

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