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How do I know who I am??

Post 21

Dream (keeper of nightmares)

Well I'm new here, its 5;00 in the morning and i haven't slept so this may not make much since so bear with me please. i agree with most of what everybody is saying but not with what others are. I believe that one day the world will understand just how screwed up we are. If we look at someone and judge them by what we see instead of what we hear then then i don't know but it's just stupid. Truthfully i don't know exactly how this subject swung in this direction but it's something i feel strongly on and i'm sure I would have something much more moving to say if i were awake but i'm not so well i guess that's it

How do I know who I am??

Post 22

Martin Harper

The ironic thing here is how the people who are preaching tolerance of others, and such like, are the same people criticising Mr/s. Hawke for choosing to remain asexual. Liberal, free yourself.

How do I know who I am??

Post 23

Dream (keeper of nightmares)

I do not feel it is my job to judge others I merely state my opinion. I think it's ok to remain unknown. I feel everyone has a right to His/her own opinion.

How do I know who I am??

Post 24


Just for the record, it was not my intent to criticise, I was mereley stating that I did not understand her(?) motivations.

Me, I'll either tell or not. The darker threads refrenced to earlier are no different from the "truth" games played at parties after a few beers.

But hey, each to their own.

How do I know who I am??

Post 25


I look at the label in my y fronts. That way i'm either called Mark Sandspencers (if i'm drunk and squinting) or Joey Robinson (if i turn it over)


How do I know who I am??

Post 26

Martin Harper

yeah, but would you want what you said in those drunken party games to be stored permanently for all to see? Given the modern propensity for employers to websearch on their employees' names, possibly not...

MyRedDice - "doubly so if you're a priest"

How do I know who I am??

Post 27

C Hawke

..once many years ago I did "store permanently" a drunken game, I taped it, and the house mate I did it to has never really forgiven me.

smiley - smiley


How do I know who I am??

Post 28


Thanks for the links. Maybe I'm too old to be shocked, though. Gay friends (male) have told me about a lot more truly dubious practices than any of these!

Where's that filing cabinet?

How do I know who I am??

Post 29

C Hawke

...or closet? smiley - smiley

How do I know who I am??

Post 30


The closet's empty - I already checked

How do I know who I am??

Post 31


With regards to employers doing searches on people, unless you tell them what screen name you use there is no way anyone can find out anything.

You should not be ashamed of anything you think or say, if you are then why think/say it in the first place? There is to much political correctness in the world. If everybody said what they felt, or thought, then there would be a lot more tolerance today. People could have disscussions, rather than shooting up schools. People would respect those who have informed opinions. Those that do not, would be exposed for the worthlesness of their lives.

Just a thought...

How do I know who I am??

Post 32

Bald Bloke

There is no way your employers can find out anything......
As long as you are not connecting from work
Otherwise every page you read and every post you make can be captured (and read) by your local (un)friendly IT Department.

In most companies this doesn't happen because the IT people are doing exactly the same as you and recognise that its of no interest to your employer.
But there are paranoid employers out there who do monitor everything which goes on from their site and have been known to take use such information against staff who cross their path (even if it has nothing to do with it).

It pays to know where your employer is coming from and act accordingly.
And think before you post!!

Outside of work it is technically possible for your ISP to do the same thing however the volume of traffic makes it uneconomic to do so.
Another reason for opposing the RIP (Regulation of Investigatory powers bill)which would force ISP's into carrying out monitoring.

How do I know who I am??

Post 33

C Hawke

Also there is the matter of forgotten cookies (I left mine on a works PC once) and the history. Not only could you see where I'd been, you would be logged in as me (all my own silly fault)


How do I know who I am??

Post 34

Martin Harper

Well, unless they search on your email, or suchlike... or they employ you by screen name (say if you post in a techie forum of some kind).

Personally, I don't care - but it is a risk for those who do - and multiple personalities is the best way round it...

How do I know who I am??

Post 35


It maybe a good way round it but you have to be able to remember which one of them you are and with which people you are it . Multi identerties can be fun and i have used them myself every now and then but in the end you are you who ever that is . I must say though that if my employers checked me out they would probably be rather surprised but then again I am a bit odd all the time .

How do I know who I am??

Post 36

trouble at't mill

For this level of adult interest items I suggest the bicycle sheds! - Does H2G2 have such things?

How do I know who I am??

Post 37


I totally agree, true friends and a real loving family should or will accept you for what you are. They may not understand or even agree, but they will accept. What DOES really matter? I feel it's the Soul. Not what's outside, or even thoughts. They can change at will! Lot's face it, we ALL have predujices about SOMETHING, or preconceived ideas. But finally breaking through is the KEY. Gypsy

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