A Conversation for h2g2 Feedback

The 14.04.07 downtime...

Post 1

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Is that going to be from about Saturday 5pm EST (East Coast U.S.A) to about 8am Sunday E.S.T?

I've tried to work it backwards - but it's still a little early. smiley - yawn

Am I close?

The 14.04.07 downtime...

Post 2

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit running against time
"How about 5am EST (East Coast U.S.A) until about 8pm EST on Sunday. "

The 14.04.07 downtime...

Post 3

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit reconcidering East
"How about 5am WST (West Coast U.S.A) until about 8pm WST on Sunday.
or 1am EST (East Coast U.S.A) until about 4pm EST on Sunday. "

The 14.04.07 downtime...

Post 4

aka Bel - A87832164

How many hours are you back in time, Clive?
If it's four hours, then you're nearly right, downtime would be from about 5.00pm (EST or whatever) Saturday to about 9.30am Sunday.

The 14.04.07 downtime...

Post 5



smiley - laugh That should seriously make Quote of the Day.


The 14.04.07 downtime...

Post 6

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

I agree! smiley - laugh

and it's 5. smiley - winkeye

my flux capicitor broke down attempting re-entry. smiley - magic

The 14.04.07 downtime...

Post 7

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Actually - how *are* the QotD's chosen? Is by by referral or request or something else? smiley - erm

The 14.04.07 downtime...

Post 8


Ask SWL smiley - winkeye


The 14.04.07 downtime...

Post 9

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

I think it's part of Derek Hunny's smiley - loveblush job to find the quotes.. smiley - magic

The 14.04.07 downtime...

Post 10

STRANGELY STRANGE ( A brain on a spring )

I am just an older yeti slipper wearing dude so will NEVER make quote of the day in a million years!

The 14.04.07 downtime...

Post 11

aka Bel - A87832164

It's either funny and or witty posts which get to be QotD, so you'll never find anything I said on the FP. smiley - smiley

Is it late enough yet that you can do the new calculation yourself, Clive? smiley - winkeye

The 14.04.07 downtime...

Post 12

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.


nope still too early. smiley - coffee

The 14.04.07 downtime...

Post 13

STRANGELY STRANGE ( A brain on a spring )

Ah, perhaps if I did handstands around the h2g2 office naked with a daffodil between my teeth I may get quote of day!

The 14.04.07 downtime...

Post 14

Icy North

I'm not sure what you could quote with a daffodil between your teeth.

Hnnrmmgh grrnng ffnerrlg loses a bit in translation.

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