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Could the 'Spaced Out Guide (SOG) be removed from the AWW page?

Post 1


Well, the subject line says it all really!

But in the interests of clariy:

Could the 'Spaced Out Guide (SOG - http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/U218740) be removed from the AWW page?

There is (and indeed has been for some time) very little activity on the SOG page.

I posted F114081?thread=3599778 back in October, but have not seen any response.

And that is the most recent convo on the page.

smiley - smiley


Could the 'Spaced Out Guide (SOG) be removed from the AWW page?

Post 2


That was, of course, "clari'y" - with a glottal stop!


Could the 'Spaced Out Guide (SOG) be removed from the AWW page?

Post 3

The H2G2 Editors

Hello Spiff,

Although it's not been active for a while, we don't like to see any clubs as 'finished.' In fact, we're actively trying to stir a bit more activity up in some now-little-used clubs.

Thanks for alerting us to this though; sometimes when we promote things again, old members pop up and ask for editing rights to be changed again. So...perhaps the SOG could have a strong case for a bit of a plug.

h2g2 Editors

Could the 'Spaced Out Guide (SOG) be removed from the AWW page?

Post 4

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

smiley - puff

Could the 'Spaced Out Guide (SOG) be removed from the AWW page?

Post 5

Trin Tragula

The idea of someone resurrecting the SOG doesn't seem beyond the realm of possibility, certainly, but...

Spiff does have a point about the AWW page itself. It's misleading as it stands. The UG, the Post and the CAC Continuum all still do what the page says they do and Fiction Central does still respond to poking, but:

>>In fact, if your entry is not picked by any of the above groups, it will be picked for the SOG<<

That's just not true, is it? Even if poked, in fact.

So someone submitting to the AWW can get in touch with the Post, or wait to hear from the UG or CAC, or submit something to Fiction Central, but the SOG really does seem to be a 'dead link' as it stands.

Could the 'Spaced Out Guide (SOG) be removed from the AWW page?

Post 6


OK, we'll look at removing it - however, it can't be edited as easily as other pages so we'll have to get some help first. smiley - ok

Could the 'Spaced Out Guide (SOG) be removed from the AWW page?

Post 7

Trin Tragula

Help? Help? But you're... you're omnipotent!

No rush smiley - biggrin

smiley - tea

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