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Front page glitch...

Post 1


I just noticed that the current front page entry that talks of Atomic Masses has an error in the [read more] link. At the moment if you click on [read more] it takes you here: A11818172.

Front page glitch...

Post 2

Yvonne aka india

Is this the same problem as noticed today? Clicking the "Read more" link under the Front Page entry Unique Patterns (A12219833) takes me to the entry A11463950 Silver Surfer. I think this is the entry that was in that place last week. The hyperlink doesn't seen to have recognised that it's destination has changed.

Not a major problem, since the title link does go to the correct destination.

Front page glitch...

Post 3


Yes, that's the same sort of problem I think. It's not major I just thought it needed pointing out. Glad it's not just me though, now I know I'm not crazy.smiley - smiley

Front page glitch...

Post 4

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit on his head
"It happens several times a year. Probably while it is not an automated process, the Italics have to do it by hand smiley - smiley.

If you happen to notice such bug/ glitch posting a report on < <./>Feedback-Editorial</.> > during working hours, chances are it will get corrected in time. smiley - ok"

Front page glitch...

Post 5

Yvonne aka india

Thanks Traveller in Time. I'd spotted it earlier in the day and hadn't worked out where to post the problem. I saw Galigan's post so thought this the most sensible place to confirm the problem. I'll try to raise it in the right place if it happens again.

Front page glitch...

Post 6


Yeah me too.

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