A Conversation for It's My Party....(constructing the perfect playlist)

Do I detect a child of the 80's

Post 1

Hathornefer (ACE) Near miss - isnt that what you'd call a hit

I may be way off here... but it sounds a little like you are hankering after the 80's. I confess to being a child of the 80s myself.

I think the perfect collection is going to have some songs in it which are impossible to dance to otherwise everyone will be walking home bare foot where they have shred their feet dancing too much.

Suggestions...... erm... aah smiley - wah


Do I detect a child of the 80's

Post 2


well, an engaging entry we have here!

Do I detect a child of the 80's

Post 3


Yes, you do detect a child of the 80's!!!! What's wrong with dancing for 2 hours straight?!! If the music is good you don't notice it anyway - at least not until the following morning! I've changed the title to something more descriptive and less contentious. Drop by my personal space sometime to find out more.
Regards sbe

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