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Collaborative Writing Workshop: A991730 - Potential Virus

Post 1


Entry: Potential Virus - A991730
Author: Smudger - U210712

Potential Bug!

A991730 - Potential Virus

Post 2


i'm sorry, smudger, but i don't feel this entry is eligible for collaboration on a few different grounds, the first being that the information is incorrect and misleading. the following is from snopes about creating a fake email entry:

"Only a fool takes advice that amounts to altering anything on his own system without first fully understanding its nature. Though the current "helpful trick" is innocuous, there is no guarantee later versions will not circulate that instruct the credulous to do harm to their systems under the guise of helping them. Witness the May 2001 sulfnbk.exe hysteria where thousands of users geared to take whatever advice turned up in their inboxes were duped into deleting a key Windows operating system file from their home systems.

"The best advice for countering viruses has always amounted to investing in good anti-virus software and using the product regularly to scan for infected files. Second best is a caution against running executable files sent in e-mail. Prurient or lustful curiousity often fuels the spread of those infections, as users who should by now know better open applications that promise videos of the McVeigh execution or naughty encounters featuring the latest media hotties."

the way the snopes website is set up i cannot get you a direct link, but i can tell you how to find the information i did:
go to http://www.snopes.com
select "Computers" (fifth option on the top row)
select "Computer Viruses"
select "!0000 entry" which is the last option on the list at the bottom of the page.

it is also worthwhile to point out that there is already a guide entry on "How To Avoid Computer Viruses" at A354638.

there is also a Computer Virus Project in progress at the University of Life which can be found at A600599. it appears to have been abandoned, but there's nothing saying you contribute to it anyway, you might even be able to finish it!

if nothing else, something that the guide could really use is an entry about investigating urban ledgends before forwarding emails and spreading false information. that would be a worthwhile (and useful!) entry indeed smiley - smiley

A991730 - Potential Virus

Post 3


No problem, advice taken and thanks for pointing that out to me, I never realised that at the time. Thanks again.

A991730 - Potential Virus

Post 4


no problem smiley - smiley
i've had to learn about urban legends sites the hard way, by forwarding bogus emails about viruses and such and having them pointed out to me smiley - blush. i've just gotten into the habit of checking most things out before i act on them.

when i read your entry i remembered sending out an email similar to that about a year ago... i thougt it sounded so simple and seemed to make sense so i forwarded it to everyone in my company (over 1000 people). fortunately only about 3 emailed me back to check my facts in the future, but i've never forgotten about it.

if i can be of any assistance on a future project let me know smiley - smiley

A991730 - Potential Virus

Post 5


Hi there, Many thanks for that, yes your right its hard to exlpain things like that in writing. Im hoping that title goes off my screen soon, as I feel a bit embarresed now smiley - silly still as you say we all have to learn. Thanks again.
smiley - cheersSmudger.

A991730 - Potential Virus

Post 6

RadoxTheGreen - Retired

'And remember children, never EVER open an Email attatchment from somebody you don't know!'
smiley - biggrin

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