A Conversation for Brig


Post 1

F F Churchton

A small battalion barge in and break out all CGE members captured in the battle of Terrania, they then leave, leaving a scent equalled to that of Victory!!!


Post 2

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

*Alarms go off as there is a break out in progress. Many gun terminals go off moving all staff weapon platforms towards the opposing forces.*


Post 3

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

* HDS walks into the midst of the CGE and begins to stun them all with duel Zats, after a minute, he is done with the fleeing prisoners and begins to kill the CGE battatlion.*


Post 4

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

Umm they left a while ago. Just the secruity systems activated a little slowly, for I didn't see this thread.


Post 5

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt



Post 6

F F Churchton

We've already gone, those were just other prisoners from other wars. Teleporters, you've gotta love em'!!!


Post 7


i am pretty sure though that we did not have any CGE prisoners to begin withsmiley - huh


Post 8

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

True True


Post 9

F F Churchton

It's a temperal prison, with all the prisoners of every war you fought and got prisoners from. Think of it this way, you must win a land battle over the CGE in the future, and then take prisoners!!!


Post 10

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

seems reasonable


Post 11

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

oh, Admiral, a friend of mine from a Wars/Trek debate site asked me tell you this, when he hear about your love of Trek style shields and equipment. Here goes:

"tell that little trekling upstart that we bring forth the powers of hell such as she has never seen if she does not quell her blaphsmy"

"we have no time for such trivial debates! Besides the shield threshold of a galaxy-class starship would never hold up under the concetrate battery fire of a Turbolaser weverybody knows that even trekies"

"just watch nemesis and you'll see that"

He's finished, for now. Hey, would anyone here join a debate group? Which sci-fis do you like better, which could whip who in what conditions? that kind of stuff.


Post 12

F F Churchton

I found out how warp drives work. It's quite simple, the only thing that is faster than a photon (light) is the acceleration of gravitons (gravity), although it depends on the size of the object. Heavier objects have a faster acceleration due to gravity than lighter ones. IE, the gravity if Earth is 9.8 m/s while a black hole gravitons must be faster in order to have an effect on Photons, otherwise light would'nt be affected. Photons emitted by stars are faster than the gravitons they produce.

So in order for a spaceship to travel faster than light, it must be heavy enough temperoly to use gravitons to it's advantage, so it "warps" space to do this. Then you could use a photon system to reach the speed of light, than apply the actual 'warpieness' of the ship to reach the speed you like.

Nothing like a bit of science to end a Friday, followed by light colouring in!!!


Post 13

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

righty oh!


Post 14

F F Churchton

either that, or go into pub and order the strongest drink availble. The further up North you go, the stronger the drink is. It most have something to do with the poles!!!


Post 15

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

You do realize that Grand Admiral Zapdos offered Supreme Overlord Schimrra to be alies right? and that Schimrra accepted? You're on the same side, just so ya know.


Post 16

F F Churchton

Did he, sorry I don't follow him around. We should make a list of our allies, peacekeepers, neutrals, cease-firees and war mongers!!!

*If something this happens again, feel free to tell me*

smiley - smiley

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