A Conversation for The Quest

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Post 1

Titania (gone for lunch)

smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Ah - what a slip - she really allowed her masque to slip, didn't she - showing her real self, mean and evil!smiley - biggrin How *could* Shazz be so heartless as to eat your smiley - donut gun, Greebo? Do I hear that much feared ?smiley - biggrin

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Post 2

Post Team

smiley - laugh

She's still refusing to talk to me Titania! smiley - winkeye

shazz - hiding from the claws - smiley - thepost

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Post 3

Titania (gone for lunch)

smiley - yikes

There's only one thing to do - bribe her with more smiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donut and hope that she'll forgive you...

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Post 4


A smiley - donut gun! Inspired!

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Post 5

Post Team

What other sort of weapon does me need... ~listening to the satisfying ~TING~ as several very sharp titanium tipped claws slide into view~


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Post 6


smiley - run

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Post 7

Post Team

~big grin~... see that smiley you just used... see that orange blob behind the running smiley... guess who?

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Post 8

Post Team

Opppss... forgot to sign my name... ~grin~

Greebs of course... xx

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Post 9

Titania (gone for lunch)

No need to sign, Greebo - here, kitty, kitty...

*attempts to distract Greebo*

smiley - donut ...smiley - footprints ...smiley - footprints ...smiley - footprintssmiley - donut ...smiley - footprints ...smiley - footprints ...smiley - footprints ...smiley - milk

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Post 10

Post Team

~Eats doughnut... hold nose... holds nose... holds nose some more... eats doughnut... hold nose... holds nose again.... and again... drink milk... slurrrrppppppppp!!!!~

That was nice... nasty cheese smell around those foot prints though... just look at that cheesy colour... puuueeeeeyyyyyyy!!!! ~wink~


~Greebo ponders how people actually could tell Shazz and herself apart if they didn't sign their names~

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Post 11

Titania (gone for lunch)

Yes, how on smiley - earth would we manage that?smiley - bigeyes

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Post 12

Post Team

~big grin~... Come to think of it Titania my huggly friend... your face looks a little cheesy as well... sort of yellowish...

Not signing name to see if you know this is Greebo and not Shazz... ~Greebo gets out a painting set from her Garfield backpack and attempts to draw the Post smiley...~

Me was never much of an artist!!!

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Post 13

Titania (gone for lunch)

Me? Cheesy? Surely not... there are other things yellow than cheese, Greebo - how about... sunshine... sand on the beach... people suffering from jau- uh - cancel that... lemon ice cream...

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Post 14

Titania (gone for lunch)

And here I was, wondering what you were doing online on a Wednesday evening Greebo - when it suddenly hit me... smiley - injured ...it's Thursday tomorrow - how could I forget!smiley - yikes

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Post 15

Post Team

~Greebo eats the lemon ice cream...~

Yep busy over here... doing all the work as Shazz sits there with her feet up... buffing her nails and drinking a pint or ten...

~Greebo glances around to make sure that Shazz isn't anywhere near by~

Er... you won't tell Shazz me just said that would you... she gets awful nasty sometimes... ~wink~


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Post 16


smiley - laugh
At least you don't have anything from me to wrestle with for the time being Greebs smiley - smiley

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Post 17

Post Team

Me knows... and is me suffering for it... let me tell you... Shazz gets awful upset when her favourite writers stuff comes to an end... ~sad sigh~... Why only today she got this huge... enormous broom handle and shoved it... oh... ahhh... Shazz... me didn't see you there... want me to go and peel some more grapes for you???

~Greebo scuttles off...~

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Post 18


smiley - hug

Poor Greebs! I am planning something else, honest!

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