News from the Towers

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This week Abi & Mina would like your help on two fronts1.

Tee Hee Hee

Laughter is the best medicine and our colleagues are looking decidedly peaky. If you can make the h2g2 Team cry with laughter, then one of the new h2g2 T-shirts, mousemats or pens could be yours.

At 3pm GMT on 13th February, 2003, we will be launching the latest h2g2 Caption Competition. We have chosen the funniest photos from the 2003 Winter Party and are asking you to come up with the perfect caption. Don't panic though, there is plenty of time to exercise your wit. The closing date for entries is end of play Friday 28th February. Get your thinking caps on!

Talk Talk

Have you been to the Talk page recently? If not, then you won't have noticed that the Community Choice section has changed recently. Instead of highlighting five community activities per week, we will be devoting the section to a longer look at an h2g2 club or society. We hope that this will allow potential new members to get a real feel for the best that our Community has to offer.

So if you have a club or society you are keen to see promoted, why not drop Abi & Mina a line and we can discuss what aspects of your activity you would like highlighted. You can leave us a note at the Community Choice page or on our personal

If you have any ideas we could use for vamping up the Talk page, we would love to hear those too! We promise not to print them out and then use them for hamster bedding!

Abi & Mina

13.02.03 Front Page

Back Issue Page

1Not those sort of fronts, Whisky!

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