A Conversation for Talking Point - Your Greatest Hits on h2g2


Post 1

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

"Have you made some really good friends on h2g2?"
Yes, mainly through ACEing as it gives me a big opportunity to say hello, whereas otherwise I might feel too shy.

"Have you found romance, a partner or even got married because of life on h2g2?"
Nope - but I can hope.

"Have you been a shoulder to cry on and helped a fellow Researcher to work through their problems?"
Yes, I have my 'troubles' and I think it may help me to understand more when someone is having a hard time. Equally, people have been very supportive of me in my dark times.

"Have you learned something new?"
Guide ML for a start! I have learned alot of smiley - geek PC stuff courtesy of the Gurus.
Being exposed to such a wide range of opinions and views will always teach me something.

"Are you more interesting because of h2g2?"
I don't thinks so, but it has encouraged me to draw on some skills that i haven't used for a while.

"Have you been inspired to do something special as a result of time spent on site?"
Well, I volunteered for the ACE and Subbing schemes. And was particularly proud when Mina asked me to be a Guru. Perhaps eventually I will actually try to write something for the EG!
I have also thought about learning more about IT.

"Have you made some big life decisions because of h2g2?"
Without sounding too dramatic...
Last summer, life was very difficult for me and I was very ill. Being on h2g2 gave me a distraction and helped me focus on something. Making new friends helped with my self esteem. My involvement in the volunteer schemes gave me both an ego boost and a sense of purpose - in that I could still contribute something to the world, however small in real terms that contribution may be.
So I guess the big life decision was not to give up yet

"Have you written an entry that you're really proud of?"
No, but i was very proud when the first entry I subbed made top pick.
(Abi's Frost Fairs)

"Have you broken up a fight, and spread your peace vibes everywhere?"
I like to think that I have posted a couple of times (particularly during the difficult 'Iraq Policy' period) that helped settle some heated discussions.

That's not to say that h2g2 doesn't drive me nuts sometimes as it does, but I can always switch off then!smiley - winkeye

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