A Conversation for Talking Point - Your Greatest Hits on h2g2

Where do I start?

Post 1

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I started the Keepers page, and I'm very proud of how many Keepers there are now, please don't ask how many, go count them yourself!smiley - winkeye

Friends - I have made some wonderful friends on h2g2 - some I love dearly - and every meet-up I can attend I do.smiley - biggrin

I started the "~drool~ thread" and we have our very own smiley nowsmiley - drool

I like to think I've been there for real-life crises, I was there online for Peta when she got the news that DNA had died smiley - cry

The entries I've written that I'm proud of??
Well, there was the one my mother helped me write, and the ones from my own life experience like hysterectomy and stillbirth.
The one I wrote about the Aberfan disaster and brought it to the attention of younger researchers who had never known about it - that made me very proud.
Then there's the people I've admired enough to write about like Princess Diana, Sir Cliff Richard, John Denver, Karen Carpenter, Doris Day, Shirley Nolan OBE, Giovanni Bruno, Elizabeth Fry, The Crew of the Final Mission of the Space Shuttle

Where do I start?

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - ermI got booted off the internet before I'd finished crowing...

Then there's the "informative" entries which were fun to write, such as "How to apply for a congratulations card from the Queen" "How to type the Euro sign using an old keybopard" and "Driving Etiquette - Kuwait"smiley - laugh {that's an in-joke, you have to read the entry - there *is* no driving etiquette in Kuwait...}

I think that's it {for now}...I'm off to read my Doris Day entry comments which was on the front page yesterday smiley - ok

smiley - biggrin

Where do I start?

Post 3

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Speaking of Doris Day.....

Tom Lehrer wrote a song about a Russian
mathematician who inspired his students
to plagiarize (but "always call it, please,
research"). When a student's book came out,
it was a big hit, selling movie rights
for 6 million rubles. The movie, called
"The Eternal Triangle," starred Doris Day
as the hypotenuse. smiley - laugh

But I digress.

Congratulations, Galaxy Babe. smiley - ok

Hope I'll run into you from time to time
at H2G2. smiley - biggrin

Where do I start?

Post 4


Hi GB,

It's a weird place isn't it? I remember you being there when Douglas died - I was just so shocked and upset. Thanks for being there then! smiley - hug

You don't know it but you've been instrumental in changing the BBC's view of DNA the platform. They often say that h2g2 and DNA contributors are all techies smiley - geek. I try and change views by giving you as an example; you're not in their 'self defined' group of tech community users, you're not a tech but you've learnt to do it *all* really well! The BBC techs underestimate people sometimes, you're my most often used example of someone who can handle this system perfectly well - thank you very much!

Where do I start?

Post 5

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Thanks very much for your comments smiley - angelPaul Hsmiley - smiley

Peta, I'm speechless.

I don't know what else to say, except you've managed to make an old granny very happy, and made my day.smiley - hugsmiley - smooch

Thank me...it's me who is thanking you and h2g2 and the BBC - you have certainly enriched my life and taught ME a lot. The least I can do is pass on my knowledge and I do love writing my entries so much.

I want there to be plenty of echoes of me still around when I'm gone from this life and move on to the next eminationsmiley - winkeye

smiley - hugs

smiley - flyhiAGBsmiley - thepost

Where do I start?

Post 6



You probably have no idea about how much *you* have shaped the BBC. smiley - biggrin Come talk to me about it at the next meet up. You're a smiley - star!

smiley - biggrin

Where do I start?

Post 7

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Non sequiturs, ahyone?
smiley - winkeye

Where do I start?

Post 8

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - biggrin
That's a date!
I'll see you in a couple of weeks, Peta.smiley - hug

Where do I start?

Post 9


smiley - ok

See you then, I can't wait, they're always such good fun! smiley - diva

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