A Conversation for Talking Point - Your Greatest Hits on h2g2

Small but big

Post 1

Bels - an incurable optimist. A1050986

One of the things I'm quite proud of is something that I did very soon after I first registered.

It's only a very small thing really, but on the other hand it's big because it affects practically every page of this site. It's something that people can see whenever they come to ths site, yet very few people know that I had anything to do with it, so maybe now's the time to blow that trumpet.

So what was it? Well, when I first joined, the boilerplate disclaimer on every page went like this:

The majority of the content on h2g2 is generated by h2g2's Researchers, who are members of the public.

I simply pointed out that this isn't very good English, and suggested it should be changed. What's wrong with it? There are two things wrong with the use of the word 'majority' here.

One is that you can't use it with a non-countable noun such as 'content'. You can talk about the majority of the entries, because you can count the number of entries and work out how many would be needed to make a majority, but you cannot count the items comprising an abstract notion such as 'the content'.

The other thing about 'majority' is that it simply can mean anything over 50 per cent. But that's not what was meant here. What the wording was trying to suggest, I felt, was that nearly all of the content is generated, blah blah, - so 'majority' is the wrong word.

So I just suggested changing it to 'Most of the content...' which is shorter, more accurate, and quite clear and straightforward.

The other thing I suggested at the same time was to change 'generated' to 'created', because I felt this site is about being creative.

So the disclaimer would now read:

Most of the content on h2g2 is created by h2g2's Researchers, who are members of the public.

Well, being new to the site at the time, I never really thought anyone would do anything about this. I just thought that maybe after a few weeks I might get a polite acknowledgement from someone in the BBC thanking me for my suggestion and assuring me it would be most carefully considered - and never hearing from them again.

Instead of which, to cut a short story even shorter, up popped someone called Mark Moxon, basically said 'Great idea, we'll do it', and within a very short space of time it was done. He even apologised to me for the previous wording.

I in turn was mightily impressed with this prompt action, and I've always been proud of my small contribution to clarifying the words that appear on every page.


Small but big

Post 2

The CAC CONTINUUM - The ongoing adventures of the Committee for Alien Content (a division of AggGag)

So your writing is on every wall! smiley - bigeyes

I must admit Bels, I too was impressed by that exchange. I recall it as one of those rare occassions when someone made a constructive suggestion and the editors not only listened, but acted positively and promptly.

Your mark is made!
smiley - cheers

btw: anyone heard from Mark lately...
smiley - biggrin

Small but big

Post 3


Thanks Bels, for your original suggestion and for the smiley - smiley

Mark is now well and happy, walking from Land's End to John o'groats, which are the two furthest points of the UK. A totally potty mission, but there you go, he's enjoying the walk and hopefully he'll get to publish it all someday, since writing is *one* of his great loves smiley - winkeye ... http://www.moxon.net/

Small but big

Post 4

Bels - an incurable optimist. A1050986

Hi, Peta! *waves*

The pleasure's mine. smiley - biggrin

By the way, any idea why I should still be waiting for a reply to a small query at F85488?thread=251379 posted on 24 Feb? Does anybody ever reply to the Feedback page at SoP-London?

Small but big

Post 5


A new person has just taken it over.

I'll point it out to them! It can take a while for new people to engage! Learning curve and all that! Bear with it... smiley - smiley

Small but big

Post 6

Bels - an incurable optimist. A1050986

Bravely spoken, Peta, but don't put yourself out on my account. Look how long it took for the 'old' people to engage (or rather, not engage at all).

No, I've moved on now. Pfui. Life's too short to put up with that sort of couldntcarelessishness. I haven't the patience for it.

Anyway, nice talking to you smiley - biggrin. Keep smilin' smiley - smiley

Bels smiley - towel

Small but big

Post 7


Hiya Bels,

I totally understand where you're coming from. I have a meeting with them this Thursday. Hopefully I'll be able to inspire them and get them to see what a cool thing this can be, as long as they learn to drive it!

Responding is everything!

Small but big

Post 8

The CAC CONTINUUM - The ongoing adventures of the Committee for Alien Content (a division of AggGag)

smiley - cheers
Thanks Peta!

Forgot I had posted here as AggGagCac and of course I don't see this thread on my own homepage. smiley - flustered This is the first time I've been logged on as AggGag for at least two weeks.

Glad to hear Mark is doing something constructive. I've always said if there's one place needs walking across it's the UK.

smiley - biggrin

Small but big

Post 9


Yes, quite! Let's hope he doesn't get the bug and try walking across the USA next. smiley - smiley

He is writing as he goes - so hopefully they'll be a book or something at the end of it too... We shall see! smiley - smiley

Good luck with the AGG/GAG/CAC - great idea!

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