A Conversation for Talking Point: Your Perfect Job
my dream job
helping to save the whale sharks and dolphins Started conversation May 21, 2003
We all dream about THE perfect job, but when we have it most of the time it becomes a chore and want to change it to another job, our expectations usually fun higher than reality. You have seen all the programmes on television and seen how they struggle and fight to make it work, and then see how it has changed there view from the perfect job to the mundane.
I have been striving for the last 5 years to have a wonderful job, were I can give back to those who needs the help, and i can see light at the end of the tunnel. I want to beable to help people in the far east understand and help protect the local aquatic life, and also give them the chance to earn a better income which will help them put their children through school, collage and pay for hospital and doctors when they become sick.
To acieve this I have been building a resort (small) using local labour and materials from my own salary, to take people on holiday to see the rainforest dive on the corals and just be away from the rat race. (my dream is to reinvest the money into the local community and teach them a different method of fishing. instead of them using phospates and damaging the corals, which eventually kills the corals and fish, having a dramatic affect on the eco system.
Because of the low income in the area and poor medical facilities I will be in time when finances allow, build small health centre,
There is no fame or wealth involved only helping those who needs it, YES this does cost money so money has to come from somewhere, but reinvesting into the local people allow them to understand and protect the hidden wealth they have.
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