A Conversation for Talking Point: What do you think about h2g2?

First impressions (I just joined)

Post 1

Heroic Muse

I joined H2G2 yesterday, and I've been back here four or five times since. That's got to say something.

I am very excited by the possibilities offered on this site: the possibility of meeting other people who share my rather esoteric interests/viewpoints, such as my experience of sub-personalities; the possibility of sharpening my writing skills enough to be able to contribute to the edited guide; the possibility of making friends all over the world.

And, as I said in my intro, I believe this site is a fitting tribute to its Founder. I came here hoping, subconsciously, that something like this would be here, some continuation of what I found in Douglas Adams' work, some living memorial.

That being said, I do have one objection: the Guide is a bit overwhelming. The very same possibilities that excite me so much also leave me feeling that I will never be able to contribute to the degree I wish to. I have read so many conversations I'd like to get involved in--but I have to attend to the rest of my life smiley - tongueout

This, however, may be my problem. Time management is not my strong suit to begin with, and writing Guide entries takes up quite a bit of time. I want to be able to interact more with people on this site, rather than writing my own entries and then forcing myself away.

One suggestion I do have:

Allow Researchers to save five keywords in their preferences, indicating the topics they are most interested in. Then, when the Guide is re-indexed each day, the search engine could look for new articles involving those keywords, and send the links to your Personal Space. That way, each Researcher could have a couple of starting points for Guide reading.

That wouldn't solve my time management issue, but it would help me feel less overwhelmed when I make time for reading and responding to articles.

([email protected])

First impressions (I just joined)

Post 2


sub-personalities? check out my page, read my journal entry and the link to PHENOM's mansionsmiley - ok

prometheus - bab 5 fan? or just into greek mythology?

First impressions (I just joined)

Post 3

Heroic Muse

PHENOM's Mansion looks incredible--I like the sort of ineratactive feel to it. I don't have time to explore it in depth now, unfortunately...

Re: Prometheus--more Greek mythology than anything else (though you are the second person to mention B5 to me, making it more urgent that I rent a DVD or two. smiley - biggrin). I've taken the moniker from Ayn Rand's _Anthem_, in which the protagonist renames hmself Prometheus in order to symbolize his newfound sense of identity. (See my Guide Entry at http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/classic/A1028206 for more details)

[email protected]

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