A Conversation for The Crew on English Rose V1
Cape Town
DavidJ Started conversation Sep 21, 2003
Hi John & MC: we heard about your adventure from Shuff who came to stay with us on Friday.We leave for Cape Town on Wed 24Sept and return Wed 8 Oct.Do you fancy meeting for tea and cakes?We could have that game of golf we talked about,probably not as challenging as Durness.possibly a chance for chats and larffs.Is there anything you would like us to bring-marmite,marmalade,salt&vinegar crisps.
Look forward to your news.Hope we can meet up.
Lots of love
David & Jackie Johnson( in Oxfordshire on a lovely English Autumn day)
Cape Town
GrifterGal Posted Sep 23, 2003
hiya David and Jackie, how are you both? just thought i,d drop by your space and say hello and introduce myself
well i,m 32 female and live in London with my fiance Ron and my two and my partner Rons Raleigh Grifters!
i collect collectable dolls, miniture teapots, and
and i,m a drama work shop leader
here is a cup of tea> for you both and some
for you both
and i look forward to hearing from you soon
and i hope you have a great holisay
Grifter Gal
Cape Town
Nick.Grainger (AU) Posted Oct 6, 2003
Hi David - this is John Ridgway here - come and see us at the Royal Cape Yacht Club - we arrived yesterday
Into the mist...
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