A Conversation for h2g2 Post 20.02.03
Well done guys
Terran Started conversation Feb 20, 2003
Another fine issue by the Post team
Well done guys and gals
P.S. Don't forget to read the story - A972920 Is this too shameless
Well done guys
Bagheera: Spellchecker, Grammarian Pedant, Semiquavering Secretary and member of the Punctuation Police Posted Feb 24, 2003
Your comment about cricket and coverage (or lack thereof!) on Dutch TV reminds me of a number of years ago when I was still living in Denmark.
Danish TV announced that they were going to show a sport which had never been shown before in Denmark, and then went on to explain the rules of Rugby Union - this took the best part of an hour's TV time.
"And it came to pass yea,verily,I say unto thee Wales could still play "
It was the final match of the (then) 5-Nations tournament, and the England-Wales match was the decider - either team could still win the Championship. So, I thought, my luck's in .... Some disappointment, the match shown (in full) was ... Denmark vs. Holland
Can't even remember who won, but it was so one-sided it resembled a cricket score!
Well done guys
Post Team Posted Feb 24, 2003
Yes - I remember those days - JPR Williams et al!
Holland v Denmark eh? After my curt rebuffal from the KNCB (3 words -'sorry not available' in reply to my inquiry about the Dutch strip and no reply at all to my query over better coverage of the World Cup!), I'm afraid that rugby may not even have a website!
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Well done guys
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