A Conversation for The Far Right and Human Rights

Spot on..

Post 1

Paul Prefect (It's been 2 years now... wow... 8-))

What can I say - another great commentary about recent political events. Thanks for putting things in perspective once again! Now if only everyone would read it... smiley - winkeye

Spot on..

Post 2


smiley - ta Glad you liked the article. I simply had to say something after a town just up the road from me made the news for all the wrong reasons. And the headlines about asylum seekers in the Sun, the Mail and the Express have not been helping my blood pressure. It really does seem like they're competing to see which paper can be the most xenophobic. smiley - steam

Spot on..

Post 3

Z Phantom

thats the media (or at least most tabloids) for you, they don't care who they hurt or what people decide to do based on their "articals" as long as they can reach a wider audience. the BNP (in my opinion) are a bunch of racist D*******s who should not be trusted with power in any area. and their policies of having people "volunteer" to be deported is sickening, Britain is a culturally varied country and is much better off because of it. their can be no excuse for predudice of any kind, especially not on the basis of skin colour or belifes.

Z Phantom smiley - ghost

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