A Conversation for The Far Right and Human Rights

This is a bbc site after all

Post 1

Researcher 248607

You may or not agree with the BNP so far we still have the right to choose our politics.If you allow these left of left entries to go unread and or even if you read without finding out the full facts of the only party that truely has only the interests of its race at its core,you will deny the rights of millions of British children to ever know the country of their birthright unsullied by allien interference.Read the facts on the website.

This is a bbc site after all

Post 2


A posting every bit as coherent as I'd expect from a BNP supporter. What on smiley - earth are you on about? smiley - bigeyes

'...The only party that truely has only the interests of its race at its core.' Surely you don't mean to say that the BNP's public spokespeople are lying when they put on their nice suits and assure us that they're not at all racist, honest? You know, like it says on that website you want us to read? (Yes, I've looked. I believe in knowing my enemy).

What has this being a BBC site got to do with anything? If you mean the 'British' part of the name, then I rather suspect that their definition of 'British' is considerably broader than yours.

And 'unsullied by alien interference?' Is this a rather bizarre reference to other humans, or do you think smiley - alienfrownsmiley - martianfrown have landed? smiley - yikes

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