A Conversation for How to Avoid Gym in an American High School

A936894 - How to Succesfully Avoid High School Gym

Post 41

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

This is a really interesting entry. Useful and entertaining!

PE was obligatory up to the age of sixteen at my school - I always had mysterious illnesses for half-terms when I was supposed to be doing football smiley - smiley

In the sixth form, you had to do PE (or some kind of sport, which, as another researcher pointed out, could include Lazer Quest!), community service, G.C.S.E. Photography or religious education on Wedneday afternoons. I opted for the latter, as it involved sitting around for two hours talking about interesting things. Not for any sort of qualification, so no study. Talk about a film with religious overtone, or ideas on the afterlife etc...

Though if badminton or volleyball were on offer, I could be tempted by them!


A936894 - How to Succesfully Avoid High School Gym

Post 42

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Sorry, what I meant was in UK schools, you tend not to have to *pass* sport classes, as a subject before you get your results. I know the school I attended for my O'levels still expected sixth-year pupils to attend a full day, including sports and other subjects that weren't their core topics, but the comprehensive school I went to for A-levels simply asked us to attend when we had a tutorial or lecture, otherwise we went home or went to the library.

'Graduation' is another tricky one, as in the UK it's something traditionally done at a Higher Education level - university, college, etc, rather than when you're 18, though I hear some schools are adopting the American method as something for the pupils to celebrate at the end of their final year.

In my day, it was ten people to a bottle of lemonade, some warm ham sarnies and a multipack of crisps. That's how we celebrated leaving school and no manner of accusations will make me admit I was rolling around drunk on cider in the school quad. No way! smiley - biggrin


A936894 - How to Succesfully Avoid High School Gym

Post 43


Cider...whats wrong with good old fashioned 20/20*

*sickly sweet 20% proof strawberry flavoured drink of the devil...what kids drank before alcopops.

A936894 - How to Succesfully Avoid High School Gym

Post 44

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Ahh, see what you mean now Jimster smiley - ok We had a VI Form Leaver's Ball- but our scool had had those for ages, part of the whole ex-grammar thing.

smiley - ale

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Post 46

Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge")

smiley - cheerssmiley - cheerssmiley - oksmiley - smiley


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Post 47


Thankyou to everyone who helped me with this

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Post 48

Number Six

Well done! The only trouble I can see is: what am I going to pick next week...

smiley - mod

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