A Conversation for How to Avoid Gym in an American High School

A936894 - How to Succesfully Avoid High School Gym

Post 21


i've split the third paragraph into two. Thanks for the help.

A936894 - How to Succesfully Avoid High School Gym

Post 22

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

No problem smiley - cheers

smiley - ale

A936894 - How to Succesfully Avoid High School Gym

Post 23

Number Six

Just a couple of typos - I think you mean 'useful' and 'excused'.

Good work though - keep it up!

A936894 - How to Succesfully Avoid High School Gym

Post 24


Good work! I'm glad i'm not american though, i've never have been academically successful if I had to pass a fitness test to survive, no wonder America's so nasty to fat people! they never get to leave school and go to college!

A936894 - How to Succesfully Avoid High School Gym

Post 25

Gordon, Ringer of Bells, Keeper of Postal Codes and Maps No One Can Re-fold Properly

There's also a typo in the second sentence of the second last paragraph. smiley - smiley

A936894 - How to Succesfully Avoid High School Gym

Post 26


thanks for the corrections. i think everything is fixed now, does anyone see anything else?

A936894 - How to Succesfully Avoid High School Gym

Post 27


i don't think this would fit well in the rest of the entry, but the fittness test is almost impossible to fail. You can lie about your scores on the chin-ups, sit-ups and, shuttle run. in quincy,ma, the bus stops are about 50 to 100ft apart, so for 35ยข you can take the bus part of the way.

A936894 - How to Succesfully Avoid High School Gym

Post 28


...part of the way for the mile run. (sorry, i hit post too soon)

A936894 - How to Succesfully Avoid High School Gym

Post 29


My PE teacher actually asked me to stop coming to classes as "My lack of enthusiasm was discouraging the other girls" (pe was split by gender except for abreif time when we got to kick the boys a**es with hockey stickssmiley - ok) But it was only in the 6th form that she asked...before that I used to "arrange" cello lessons to clash with PE as often as I could (also worked for textile design and food technologysmiley - laugh), I took latin as an extra option to get out of 1/3 of the classes for a yr and the rest of the time I had tonsilitussmiley - winkeye or a sprained knee.

Our classes would usually be between 30-35...half of the girls from the yr. And I probably would have been more enthusiastic if we hadn't been forced to wear gym skirts and knickerssmiley - yuk and spent most of the time playing netball or doing aerobicssmiley - yawn a bit more badmington and gymnastics would have been fine and more than 3 months of hockey would have been great (I used to wear my lace up boots...so much more effective than trainerssmiley - winkeye).

A936894 - How to Succesfully Avoid High School Gym

Post 30

Smij - Formerly Jimster

This does seem to be very US-centric. In the UK, certainly, students just study their chosen subjects for A-level and don't have to do gym at all. Would you be able to incorporate something into the intro so spell out that this is about American education? Maybe adapt the title too, to make this clear?

A936894 - How to Succesfully Avoid High School Gym

Post 31


I've changed the title to,"How to Avoid Gym in an American High School."

How about adding a header to the intro, something like, "This entry is primarily concerned with gym in American high schools"?

A936894 - How to Succesfully Avoid High School Gym

Post 32

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Err, hate to break it to you Jimster- but that isn't universal- At my school we had PE in Sixth Form. I was supposed to attend twice a week- I never did though, one I always missed, and the other I was excused for because I arranged to leave early to go climbing or to LazerQuest- that counted as sport smiley - laugh

smiley - ale

A936894 - How to Succesfully Avoid High School Gym

Post 33


We had to spend 2 1/2 hrs on wednesday afternoons during lower 6th either doing PE or community servicesmiley - sadface

A936894 - How to Succesfully Avoid High School Gym

Post 34


should i still change the intro, or is the title clear enough?

A936894 - How to Succesfully Avoid High School Gym

Post 35

Gordon, Ringer of Bells, Keeper of Postal Codes and Maps No One Can Re-fold Properly

LQ instead of phys ed? Cool! smiley - stout

A936894 - How to Succesfully Avoid High School Gym

Post 36

Raindawn - Keeper of Bookshelves that Defy the Laws of Physics

Nice entry smiley - smiley

While all of these are fantastic ways of avoiding PE, I took a slightly different approach while I was a student in an American highschool, which I thought would be worth mentioning.

During my freshman year, there was a new fitness center room that needed to be painted in the school, and someone had the idea that the walls should be covered in a fitness themed mural. Since I had painted murals for the school before, the teacher let me choose a friend, and we got to paint the walls for a semester instead of going to class! We could pick and choose which units we came back for... bowling, tennis, fishing (yes, catching carp and catfish in the river was an actual unit)... the fun stuff! smiley - biggrin Plus, we both got an automatic A.

That's the way to do it. Find a way to get out of the units you're bad at by volunteering to do something you're good at! Then only come back for the sports you like, and you'll look like a terrific athlete besides!

Cheers! smiley - ok

A936894 - How to Succesfully Avoid High School Gym

Post 37


thanks raindawn, i'll see if i can work that in

A936894 - How to Succesfully Avoid High School Gym

Post 38


i've added a new paragraph.

A936894 - How to Succesfully Avoid High School Gym

Post 39

Number Six

Looking good!

smiley - ale

A936894 - How to Succesfully Avoid High School Gym

Post 40



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