A Conversation for Modern Cryptography -- Methods and Uses

A933978 - A Study of the Applications, Benefits and Necessity of Cryptography in Modern Communication

Post 21


Maybe you could put in something about steganography (which apparently started with the Greeks writing on the wooden board underneath the wax in which the apparent message was written, but nowadays involves embedding messages in pictures, music, and so on)? It's not exactly crypto although it's usually combined with crypto.

A933978 - A Study of the Applications, Benefits and Necessity of Cryptography in Modern Communication

Post 22

Zak T Duck

Excellent entry! How's this coming along?

A933978 - A Study of the Applications, Benefits and Necessity of Cryptography in Modern Communication

Post 23

Matthew G P Coe

Actually, I haven't had much time to clean it up over the past four weeks; school assignments, contracts, moving house, etc. Believe me, once my life calms down a bit (~nine days), I should have some time to dedicate back to this entry.

A933978 - Modern Cryptography -- Methods and Uses

Post 24

Matthew G P Coe

Hey cool, I finally finished it -- I think. I decided to not mention steganography as it's really not cryptography and it's not used all that much, really. I added links to all the references sites and a purchase link to Amazon.com for the book I used. Anything else necessary?

A933978 - Modern Cryptography -- Methods and Uses

Post 25

Zak T Duck

Hmm, not sure about the link to Amazon as it's a commercial link and not really in line with Aunty Beeb's policy on advertising. Is there a link to either the Author's website or the publisher's writeup about the book you could use instead?

I've also been thinking, would in your opinion mentioning the open source and ever increasingly popular Blowfish Encryption Algorithm benefit this entry?

A933978 - Modern Cryptography -- Methods and Uses

Post 26


I just dropped around to say - great entry

smiley - panda (an smilie we need to use more)!

A933978 - Modern Cryptography -- Methods and Uses

Post 27

Matthew G P Coe

Yeah, I found Steven Levy's personal site. I'll link to that instead.

Hmm.... Blowfish and OSS... I assume Blowfish is a totally open encryption standard, then? I might look that up.

A933978 - Modern Cryptography -- Methods and Uses

Post 28

Matthew G P Coe

I'm thinking this might be fodder for the Writing Workshop... I'm considering retooling the entire entry because it is a little clunky to read in Brunel, now that I look back at it. Good idea? Bad idea? Any opinions?

A933978 - Modern Cryptography -- Methods and Uses

Post 29

Zak T Duck

If you do want to split the entry in two you could rework it into an entry on the history of cryptography and another on the methods. However, in my opinion it's not really necessary as it seems to read right to me and could be left to the discretion of the sub-ed.

A933978 - Modern Cryptography -- Methods and Uses

Post 30

Matthew G P Coe

Well, I'm not necessarily thinking about splitting the entry, just redoing the style. It just feels awkward to me now.

A933978 - Modern Cryptography -- Methods and Uses

Post 31

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Let us know when you've finished, jargonCCNA! smiley - smiley

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

A933978 - Modern Cryptography -- Methods and Uses

Post 32


This has got the makings of a cracker, jargonCCNA! Good luck with the tweaks and let us know when it's ready. smiley - smiley

A933978 - Modern Cryptography -- Methods and Uses

Post 33

Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge")

Er... yeah. What Sam said!

A933978 - Modern Cryptography -- Methods and Uses

Post 34


Are you still working on this?

smiley - panda

A933978 - Modern Cryptography -- Methods and Uses

Post 35

Matthew G P Coe

Yeah, I just haven't had a great deal of time to lately... -thinks- Hopefully by September.

A933978 - Modern Cryptography -- Methods and Uses

Post 36


I think this is an excellent entry! I read the novel Enigma by (I believe) Robert Harris, on holiday and found it very interesting, which was why I decided to read this entry!

Anyway, just one point - why is the entry indented so much? It makes it much longer than it needs to be and by the time you get to the bottom it's all squeezed into the middle. Just a thought. smiley - smiley

A933978 - Modern Cryptography -- Methods and Uses

Post 37

Matthew G P Coe

That's precisely the problem that I've been trying to find the time to fix!

A933978 - Modern Cryptography -- Methods and Uses

Post 38


I see, sorry! Good luck! smiley - winkeye

A933978 - Modern Cryptography -- Methods and Uses

Post 39


You've put around most of the entry, which is why it's so indented.

smiley - panda

A933978 - Modern Cryptography -- Methods and Uses

Post 40

Matthew G P Coe

I had subsections within subsections within subsections; I thought it was the "best" way to do things... I guess not! -laughs-

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