A Conversation for The Sporkites

Let's beat out 'No no no!!'

Post 3621

Keseral - lost...

ohhhh.... smiley - sadfacesmiley - hug are you always alone???

smiley - tea

Let's beat out 'No no no!!'

Post 3622

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

Well, no more or less than anyone else. I mean that everyone is alone because e can never truly know anyone except ourselves

Let's beat out 'No no no!!'

Post 3623

Keseral - lost...

thats true, and sometimes I feel I don't evan know myself that well!smiley - erm

Let's beat out 'No no no!!'

Post 3624

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

Yeah well, you can only ever be totally frank with yourself as well, like letting others know how you feel is impossiblesmiley - ermsmiley - sadface

Let's beat out 'No no no!!'

Post 3625

Keseral - lost...

yes, especially if that person is involved! smiley - sadface

Let's beat out 'No no no!!'

Post 3626

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

Yeah, exactly, like I have one or two people I could pretty much open my soul to except for a few things, so I can never really be open with them...smiley - sadface

Let's beat out 'No no no!!'

Post 3627

Keseral - lost...

and those few things stop other thingssmiley - sadface

Let's beat out 'No no no!!'

Post 3628

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

Yeah, because they lead to those thingssmiley - sadfacesmiley - hug

Let's beat out 'No no no!!'

Post 3629

Keseral - lost...

exactly. smiley - sadfacesmiley - wahsmiley - hug

Let's beat out 'No no no!!'

Post 3630

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

smiley - cheerupsmiley - hugThen again, this is possibly the only life we have got, so we might as well just be happysmiley - smiley

Let's beat out 'No no no!!'

Post 3631

Keseral - lost...

exactly. the only thing that changes between people is their attitude to their death, it cant be better or worse, just some people are so scared of it then they waste their life being scared. it would be ironic if there really is a life after death, where we can look back over our lives, and those people who didnt enjoy themselves when they can saw that they didnt and regretted it! we are all going to die sooner or later, we may as well accept it.smiley - smiley

Let's beat out 'No no no!!'

Post 3632

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

I just don't bother thinking about death. Why bother?smiley - smiley

Let's beat out 'No no no!!'

Post 3633

Keseral - lost...

because its funny when me and Amelia go on about it to Naomi, she gets smiley - erm very.... *searches for word* agitated! smiley - laugh

Let's beat out 'No no no!!'

Post 3634

Keseral - lost...

that and the nature of the universe

Let's beat out 'No no no!!'

Post 3635

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

Why does she get agitated?

Let's beat out 'No no no!!'

Post 3636

Keseral - lost...

because she cant keep up with what we say and she is scared when we finish each others sentences etc and when we say stuff like " we can't be sure we exist, how can we be sure of anything. we might just be dreaming and this might not be happening at all..." she gets all annoyed and tries to prove us wrong!smiley - laughsmiley - biggrinsmiley - smileysmiley - laugh

Let's beat out 'No no no!!'

Post 3637

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

Haha, she's probably one of those people who thinks you can 'prove' thingssmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Let's beat out 'No no no!!'

Post 3638

Keseral - lost...

yea, I think she is,eg,

we say, you cant be sure you exist
she says well Im looking at you now!
we say how can you be sure we exist, you only see we exist, your brain might be lying that your eyes are seeing us, you might be making us up or dreaming evan if you do exist
she says, oh shut up!smiley - laugh
we exchange significant look and laught at differnt things! (her being silly and stubborn)smiley - laugh

Let's beat out 'No no no!!'

Post 3639

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

I know way too many people like that...smiley - ermsmiley - sadface

Let's beat out 'No no no!!'

Post 3640

Keseral - lost...

smiley - hug

yes, they are very annoying. I seem to attract them! smiley - sadface

just something I just thought of, I think that they could have an extra tag for smiley - sadface - smiley - smiley

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