A Conversation for Stumble into the DNA Hub - 2002/9

Misuse of terminology

Post 1


I have just found this page, and will read it more fully when i have more time. It seems an interesting read. The point i will make is that you are using the phrase "DNAhub" when you mean "DNA", DNA is the software that runs DNA sites, The Hub is just one of those sites, that is about DNA. This is a mistake you made in some of the conversations i have had with you, and the difference was explained, so either you didn't understand, in which case i will try to make it clearer, or this was written before we explained it, in which case, it needs updating if and when you get around to it.


Misuse of terminology

Post 2

Ancient Brit

Thanks Tango
I fully understand the point that you are putting to me.
This entry is what it says it is, a bit of an experiment and is not really aimed at the Guide proper. A lot of what it says is as a result of conversations I have had on the subject. It goes without saying that I have very limited and amateurish knowledge of computers and the internet in general and of h2g2 and DNA in particular but I find the whole experience exciting and enjoyable.

You see using the term DNA or DNA hub or DNA sites as the fancy takes me, tends to back up my reasoning that they should all be one and the same. H2g2 was an all singing all dancing community. It has now been cut in half but to maintain the spirit of DNA (the man) the collection of DNA Sites (whatever you want to call them smiley - smiley) need a front page. BBCi should accept the whole concept/operation of h2g2. not just a fragment to suit their own whims and fancies. Within h2g2 there are many specialist areas waiting to be explored some of which could well become DNA sites in their own right smiley - ok
A question to you Tango
Are message boards an alternative, a compliment or a rival to the DNA method of conversing ??

Misuse of terminology

Post 3


I'd say msg boards are a simpler alternative to DNA.


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