A Conversation for Stavromula Beta


Post 1241


Wouldn't dream of it. I was actually going to write it and hand it to you for editting.

Riv, I can buy boe.com, it's no issue, but I reckon we should wait until we have something to put up before we buy. For the time being, I have my own significant amount of webspace, so we can us that and make do with the long URL.

Oh, and if anyone wants to talk/chat, my Skype username is dibbler5. (Sorry, Riv, I've no landline, but I can call you for cheap with Skype if you don't have it.)


Post 1242

Jadeelf (And also Thrasymachus, the token dragon daemon)

Height: 5'3 to 5'4, J is tiny but damned spunky, but you kids knew that already.

Hairs: Pink. Feel free to mess around with shades and highlights, on your own personal whim. Of late (IRL, or whatever,) I've been exoerimenting with other colours, so it might be somewhat hillarious to just suddenly change the colour on people. They would be all like 'WTF. Dood. Why did she change her hair?' and we will say NOTHING. As for hairstyles, I am ra6ther in love with the sort of Aeon Flux ala Charlise Theron in that film sort of look right now, and I think that might bode well for comics. Go nuts. (Sketches to follow, as well.)

Clothes: Um. I'll draw something, and then maybe shoot it to you via email.

Ears: only slight pointiness, LotR-film style.

Destinctive features: Really really //relentlessly// green eyes, probably.

Ears again: Um. I sayed that already, ladeh.


Post 1243

Jadeelf (And also Thrasymachus, the token dragon daemon)


That is all.


Post 1244


1) approximate height - 6'2"
2) hair color/style - Black, styled something like sanji's from one piece (http://www.all-blue.org/images/anime23.jpg)

3) signature clothing - Business-like suit, suit in black or dark blue, with the inner dress-shirt either white or red with the collar turned up loose, and with a loose tie, same colour as the suit. Also, rimless glasses, with wire frames and a single, somewhat tear-drop like earring from the left ear, along the bottom edge.

4) desired pointiness of ears - None, I suppose.

5) any scars/features accentuated/ the like - Should look casually stylish. :D

5) pointiness of ears. - None, yep. Certain.

Oh, and m' scype name (Could you guess?) is Mystrunner. I've also got a webcam. :D So all yous, get scype, and we'll chat. ^_^


Post 1245

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

Dammit, no Skype for me yet... but I'll see what I can do.


Post 1246

Jadeelf (And also Thrasymachus, the token dragon daemon)


Forgive the sketchiness, I did this in about thirty minutes. I tried to keep it simple, but I also wanted to make it cool, you know?

ALSO: The pic is big, but hey, (nearly) full res for full effect.

I hope that helps.


Post 1247

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

Sounds like a good starting place, all. Now I just have to do the story line. Gosh I'm lazy.


Post 1248


As far as story line, the other Legion suggested that the BoE, if it was to have some sort of serial plot, would be the "Off Day" that every evil villain must inevitably have, where we attempt to pull off some retarded plan. Possibly involving exploding bats or something like that.

So, there's one idea for a plot. A marvelously complex, moronic plan. :D


Post 1249

Mr. Legion

Here's a thought for the start of the Origin Story:


- Panel One - Newspaper Ad.


The Boardroom of E-vil, Plotting and General Mayhem wants you!

Are a twisted, sociopathic misfit with an ugly soul? Does nasty violence play a large part in your social vocabulary? Have you vowed to crush entire nations beneath your jackboot as sole ruler of the world? Come meet like-minded individuals!

Apply to: Mr Legion, The BoE, 42 Mengele Drive.

[free minibar]"

- Panel Two - zoom out to reveal the paper is being held by an unseen figure sitting in a high-backed chair with an 'L' design on the back.

Mr Legion: Mwaha!

- Panel Three - Mr Legion, from slightly below, fingers arched, shadows playing across his manly visage (oh yeah).

Mr Legion: Soon...soon the wickedest minds in the world will be at my... *Doorbell rings* Ooh!

- Panel Four - Opening the double doors to the Boardroom, Mr Legion finds a scruffy little hobo on the steps, shuffling his feet and looking as though he probably smells awful.

Mr Legion: Come in, come...oh.

Hobo: Uhhhrrm. Yeah... Evil. That's me.

- Panel Five - Mr Legion pinches the bridge of his nose, a pained expression on his face. The hobo cranes his neck around Legion, trying to see into the Boardroom.

Mr Legion: Yes. On reflection, the part about the minibar was a mistake, wasn't it?

Hobo: White spirit, if you have any...?


And we proceed from there to introduce the rest of the gang as they come along. I suppose everybody would have input on how they'd like to be introduced.


Post 1250

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

And yet, they probably won't get it.

Because honestly, if no one takes initiative of writing the script, I will. Borrowing heavily from first appearances in the BoE thread. I like the newspaper add idea for a start, though.

Anyway. It's kind of on the backburner just now, as I don't have a lot of resources, being jobless and all, so most of my freelance stuff is being directed toward fangirlmag.com articles and networking.

I'm looking forward to doing it for real, though, and have started on some character sketches...


Post 1251


Hmm, so I think everyone's assignment for this week is:

Write a snippit of plot, or better yet, a small story arc. Hurrah!


Post 1252


Well, I'm currently working away on coding a script to handle the comics. I was thinking about it on the way home on the train yesterday, and threw together some code last night. While it was a very nice idea in principle, it was a little ineligant, and alas my knowledge of java let me down, so it doesn't quite work.

How and ever, I have done some more thinking, and now I've got another idea on how to approach it, so I'll see what I can do.

BTW, if you really want, you can see the page that doesn't quite work at http://www.netsoc.tcd.ie./~dibbler5/boecomic/comic.php .

As for storyline, I've got an idea about how I want to be introduced, but I'm not sure I'll have much time next week (which is to say that I'm quite certain that I will have absolutely no time), but I'll get to it.


Post 1253

Jadeelf (And also Thrasymachus, the token dragon daemon)

I will have no time next week also, because I start my new job then.

Also I am a bit drunk right now and am having mass smounts of trouble typing this.



Post 1254

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

I'm glad you're working on it, Halls. It kicks my butt in gear.

Jade, we really do need to meet up soon.


Post 1255

Mr. Legion

Yeah Hally, needs work. Now, I'm no computer whiz but...could we have the code *bigger*? And maybe in a kind of shiny black with little glittery bits?

And the page should be bigger than any other page on the internet - you know? So big that people have to stand back from their computers to take it all in.



And when you go on for the first time, your computer should download 'Spanish Flea' and play it on a constant loop thenceforth *all the time*, until you visit our page again. Guarantees repeat viewings, y'see.

Also, if possible, I'd like the code to be in Gothic letters that drip blood.

Snap to it.


Post 1256

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

Okay fiends, erm, friends...

Here's a page where the prototypes in development are.

Thus far I have my character, Legion, Jade, and a Butler. More to come. These are by no means final designs, just rough sketches where I'm playing with ideas... hence the wobbly bits...



Post 1257

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

I hope to make Legion look more dissapated, i.e. bags under the eyes and such. Also, Jade can be more minxy, less impish if she so desires.

Obviously, they are not in proportion to each other, as the guys are actually tall, and I'm very short...

I didn't do a lot with the outfits, I'm more looking at attitude and faces and such...


Post 1258


I think you've got Hally more or less right - except that his shoulders should be a little wider. (I'm not narrow, and therefore I've never imagined Hally to be.) I've never really had a face for him, other than my own, but I think that works quite well.


Post 1259


Again on the script. It now works properly. You can navigate about to your hearts content, and it won't break. It's also more efficient than the other script, which is nice, but somewhat irrelevant until hundreds of people start viewing the site simultaneously.

Again, view it at:

Legion, as for your recommendations, I'm afraid that code is plaintext, but you never see the actual code, only what the code generates. But as for that text, I'm sure we could make it look like it was dripping blood...


Post 1260

Mr. Legion

Looking good, Riv. Except you made Hally's package too big. smiley - tongueout I like my monocle, too, I'd forgotten about that. Extra dastardly.

Hally, I don't care if nobody sees the code - it still has to be in Gothic letters. And in German, if possible. And if people try to save the comic to look at it again without coming to the site, the site should fry their hard drive. And, where possible, the site should be made of gold. I have every confidence in you.

So, for reference on the costume here's the signature picture I made for myself a few years ago on Gaia...


And, if you need any further inspiration - my own personal Jesus.



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