A Conversation for Old Sayings Gone Wrong

Alternative Writing Workshop: A895034 - Old Sayings Gone Wrong

Post 1

Martha Rigby

Entry: Old Sayings Gone Wrong - A895034
Author: Martha Rigby - U209101

Proving the world wrong, one phrase at a time.

A895034 - Old Sayings Gone Wrong

Post 2


mmm... next you'll be telling us all *isn't* well that ends well! smiley - yikes

smiley - biggrin

A895034 - Old Sayings Gone Wrong

Post 3

Oberon2001 (Scout)

smiley - erm Don't know what to say except you're absolutely correct, mathmatically speaking. Well done! smiley - cheers

A895034 - Old Sayings Gone Wrong

Post 4


I'm a frayed knot...

2 negatives only make a positive when multiplied or divided

-12 smiley - space+smiley - space -3smiley - space = smiley - space-15
-12 smiley - space-smiley - space -3smiley - space = smiley - space-9

-12 smiley - space*smiley - space -3 smiley - space=smiley - space 36
-12 smiley - space/smiley - space -3 smiley - space=smiley - space 4

A895034 - Old Sayings Gone Wrong

Post 5

Oberon2001 (Scout)

... ssmiley - bleept!
You're right six7's... I bow down before your higher intelligence and ability to proof read smiley - grovel

A895034 - Old Sayings Gone Wrong

Post 6


smiley - blushsmiley - space Thanks Oberon, but your praise is somewhat undeserved... smiley - space for one thing, I didn't proof read my own post smiley - erm

The word *only* is inaccurate... subtracting one negative from another *can* result in a positive

-5 smiley - space - smiley - space -47 smiley - space = smiley - space 42

My knowledge of maths is sadly lacking in *many* areas, so I won't be surprised if some genuinely bright spark turns up to show that other functions can turn two negatives into a positive

Hmmm, maybe this is a task for the h2g2MathsLab (A895205) to deal with

six7s smiley - winkeye

A895034 - Old Sayings Gone Wrong

Post 7


Author gone elvis, and propsition disproved in the convo forum here

Proposed move

A895034 - Old Sayings Gone Wrong

Post 8

a girl called Ben

Seconded, but only because the math is wrong AND the author has disappeared.

If the author was around, or the math was right, I would vote it stayed in the forum.

I'll tell Anna at: A974522


A895034 - Old Sayings Gone Wrong

Post 9


I wouldn't have proposed this if either were the case Bensmiley - ok

A895034 - Old Sayings Gone Wrong

Post 10

a girl called Ben

I know. I was just justifying my vote (to myself as much as to anyone else).

smiley - cheers


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