A Conversation for Number 905806

Peer Review: A892848 - Number 905806

Post 1


Entry: Number 905806 - A892848
Author: Tishura - U202719

When I was doing an art project called 'my dreamscape', I drew a nightmare for it. Later I did in RE a project on the holocaust...so I wrote a poem to accompany the drawing I made. This is the poem.

A892848 - Number 905806

Post 2


Take it out of the Peer Review Tishure; and put it into the Writing Workshop. Peer Review is for potential Edited Guides only, not poetry!

smiley - smileysmiley - cheerssmiley - milk

A892848 - Number 905806

Post 3


smiley - doh

Meant to put the ALTERNATIVE Writing Workshop...smiley - sorry

Darn typo's...

A892848 - Number 905806

Post 4

Oberon2001 (Scout)

oh, you're going to hate me for saying this! If you intended for this to get into the Edited Guide, it probably won't happen, as a poem isn't the kind of thing they want in the Edited Guide. *However*, you could submit it to <.>ThePost as it is a very good poem and deserves a wider audience. Perhaps put a little explanation at the top (ie, "a poem about the holocaust"). To submit it to the Post, go to "http://www.h2g2.co.uk" click "contribute" then enter in the relevant details. Oberon2001

A892848 - Number 905806

Post 5

The GR Manoeuvre --- a posting a day keeps the reaper away

* bookmarks *


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