A Conversation for The Private Life of 2 - A History of the BBC 2 Ident

Peer Review: A892370 - The Private Life of 2 - A History of the BBC 2 Ident

Post 1

Witty Ditty

Entry: The Private Life of 2 - A History of the BBC 2 Ident - A892370
Author: Witty Ditty: '...refuses to feel sorry for a man who eats borsht all day and wears a tea cosy.' - U173978

From functionality to personality, BBC 2's 2 gets eaten, roasted, and clears up the camera lens - here's a biography of the BBC 2 ident smiley - smiley

All comments, as always, gratefully received smiley - smiley

Stay smiley - cool,

A892370 - The Private Life of 2 - A History of the BBC 2 Ident

Post 2

Smij - Formerly Jimster




Utterly marvellous!

I'll comment more later (well, tomorrow), but... I really really love this entry.

A892370 - The Private Life of 2 - A History of the BBC 2 Ident

Post 3

McKay The Disorganised

Really good - I'd forgotten some of those. smiley - cheers

Just love the domino one.

A892370 - The Private Life of 2 - A History of the BBC 2 Ident

Post 4

Witty Ditty

smiley - smiley

Glad you liked the entry smiley - smiley My personal favourite is the Swan Going home ident, closely followed by Domino... its surprisng how a 2 that says nothing at all can say so much, but that's the beauty of little 2, I guess smiley - smiley

Thanks again for reading smiley - smiley

Any further comments, as always, gratefully received smiley - smiley

Stay smiley - cool,
WD (off to have a nice relaxing bath)

A892370 - The Private Life of 2 - A History of the BBC 2 Ident

Post 5

Witty Ditty

Added a few more idents and animations featuring little 2 smiley - smiley

Any comments, as always, gratefully received smiley - smiley

Stay smiley - cool,

A892370 - The Private Life of 2 - A History of the BBC 2 Ident

Post 6

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

Nice entry. Consider putting in a link to http://tv.cream.org/arkbbc.htm then you can see them in the fles, as it were.

A892370 - The Private Life of 2 - A History of the BBC 2 Ident

Post 7

Witty Ditty

Thanks for reading the entry smiley - smiley

I've slipped the link in as a small alternative to the RealPlayer links in the Further Viewing bit smiley - smiley

Glad you enjoyed reading it smiley - biggrin

Any further comments, as always, will be gratefully received smiley - smiley

Stay smiley - cool,

A892370 - The Private Life of 2 - A History of the BBC 2 Ident

Post 8

Geoff Taylor - Gullible Chump

Just an addenda... there was a 2 made for "Robot Wars" by one of the programmes' contestants.

A892370 - The Private Life of 2 - A History of the BBC 2 Ident

Post 9

Witty Ditty

This 2?


Do you know which team made it?

Stay smiley - cool,

A892370 - The Private Life of 2 - A History of the BBC 2 Ident

Post 10

Witty Ditty

Well Geoff, I've put in a link to the picture of that fearsome little 2 smiley - monster

Thanks for reading smiley - smiley

Any further comments, as always, gratefully received smiley - smiley

Stay smiley - cool,

A892370 - The Private Life of 2 - A History of the BBC 2 Ident

Post 11


Brilliant as ever WD.

Just one very, very, geekish point. You describe the Star Trek 2 as "beamed up to a galaxy far, far away". The 'galaxy far, far away' thing is Star Wars not Star Trek. And if the 2 is leaving the Transporter Room then it's being beamed down, not up, to a planet, presumably.

Horribly sad and smiley - geekish of me, I know.

*shuffs embrarassedly*

I'll just go and hide now.


A892370 - The Private Life of 2 - A History of the BBC 2 Ident

Post 12

Witty Ditty

smiley - blush

Awwwh - thanks Geggs! I'm glad you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it smiley - smiley

Re the Star Trek ident thing - that was actually deliberate, a sort of tongue-in-cheek gaff at ".... night"s, but I'll reword it if it causes too much confusion smiley - smiley

Oh, and don't hide - you'll only end up being lost down the back of the sofa or under the fridge smiley - winkeye

Thanks again for reading smiley - smiley

Any further comments, as always, will be gratefully received smiley - smiley

Stay smiley - cool,

A892370 - The Private Life of 2 - A History of the BBC 2 Ident

Post 13

And Introducing... A Leg

This is really goodsmiley - cheers. I will now go back to my Globes piece, and give a far fuller list of the places the balloon went to. Of course, for most of the time 2 had those wonderful 2s, 1 had that swirly globe-like whatsit.smiley - smiley

A892370 - The Private Life of 2 - A History of the BBC 2 Ident

Post 14


*makes space amid the chorus*

I too approve most heartily, smiley - ok! A really excellent entry, and a hot contender for pick of the day, to be sure an' it is! smiley - biggrin

A real pleasure to read, and one to send to your friends.

naturally it's a gimmee, they'll be fighting over who gets to pick it.

cya smiley - smiley

A892370 - The Private Life of 2 - A History of the BBC 2 Ident

Post 15


just an idea, having just looked at the Globes entry (hi A leg, smiley - smiley)...

would you consider ending with a link to the globes piece, and generously donate your final section to that entry? It may sound odd, but it would fit better in that entry, somehow. You could mention at the end of your entry that there are similar links available to the 1 ident at A......, and the two entries would make a beautiful couple, dontcha think, , smiley - winkeye.

Anyway, just a thought

A892370 - The Private Life of 2 - A History of the BBC 2 Ident

Post 16

Witty Ditty

Spiffy - you might be right, as the BBC 1 ident section at the end of my entry does look a bit tacked on, and doesn't give it justice, unlike the BBC Globes entry, in which the history of the BBC 1 ident is given its dues - I'll pop the coding into the other thread so that it's a simple case of cut and paste smiley - smiley

Thanks for reading smiley - smiley

And introducing....: Thanks for reading! As I've just typed, I'll be round to give you the GuideML code for the current BBC 1 idents as you cover that subject far better than my brief section smiley - smiley And I like the globe - 2 may have been in many different forms, but One had continuity and constancy - so the two idents were good in their own right smiley - smiley

I'll just pop on over to the other thread now smiley - smiley

Stay smiley - cool,

A892370 - The Private Life of 2 - A History of the BBC 2 Ident

Post 17


Great entry WD smiley - cheers not really a subject I'm an expert on but I love the current idents.

smiley - magicsmiley - planet

A892370 - The Private Life of 2 - A History of the BBC 2 Ident

Post 18

Witty Ditty

smiley - cheers Z - glad you enjoyed reading it smiley - smiley

Any further comments, as always, gratefully received smiley - smiley

Stay smiley - cool,

A892370 - The Private Life of 2 - A History of the BBC 2 Ident

Post 19

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

smiley - wow Great entry smiley - ok Enjoyed it from beginning to end smiley - biggrin

I have two questions:

Do you reckon that the tvcream page of idents falls foul of the House Rules concerning unsuitable links, containing as it does, the f*** word? There's nothing specific about urls which contain words which would be moderated on h2g2, other than "...or sites which may offend our users." smiley - erm

And has the story of 2 really ended - "And so ends the story of ident 2", or does the entry simply tell the story to date?

smiley - smiley

A892370 - The Private Life of 2 - A History of the BBC 2 Ident

Post 20

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Ummm... in case you're wondering why the entry's been hidden WD (and anyone else here right now), it's my doing smiley - sorry

I asked TPTB about the tvcream link F47997?thread=229477&post=2694568#p2694568, and apparently it's not suitable smiley - sadface

I'll get me coat.

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