Escape Pod Dreams - 5
Created | Updated Dec 23, 2003
I called, but they said you were unavailable and
offered me a shovel...

Not being acquainted with every aspic of modern
broadcasting, we were chagrined to learn that we could
have been using a satellite feed from some place other on
the globe, with various names and locations dropped in by
computer, rather than having to write, record and edit all
this dreck by ourselves...
Not being acquainted with every aspic of modern
broadcasting, as we might have mentioned, we were further
chagrinated when we discovered how expensive such a
satellite and computer service would be and shuffled back
to our little shack with the manual typewriter, the wire
recorder and the Hallicrafters transceiver.
Sometimes you don't know how good you've got it until you
find out.
We regret to inform of another death or demise in the IPR,
YFITA, family. Binky, the mouse we had been depending on
to eat the nasty tarts the management kept buying by the
boxload from a co-op for the tea cart has fallen prey to a
stray cat. Try as we might, we can't get the cat to eat
the tarts and we haven't yet figured out how to dispose of
them without dipping them into brandy and throwing them
into the woodstove. Anyway, anyone with a spare mouse can
drop it by the station and we will do you the favor of not
mentioning your name on the air.