A Conversation for Creating papier-mâché masks

A8851935 - Creating papier-mâché masks

Post 21

Sho - employed again!

oh and I forgot to say, another way of makig detail, is to shred or mash paper, and mix it in with the paste, to a really thick goo, then you can shape it almost like modelling clay. When it is dry, paper over it to make a smooth surface... et voilà!
smiley - smiley

A8851935 - Creating papier-mâché masks

Post 22


If you're sure about not wanting a credit... smiley - ok
I've made half a dozen masks. I've been given three as gifts (so I've got a proper bauta smiley - winkeye), and made two myself years ago, then three as potential prototypes for a Rat King's mask for a panto (the final one chosen being reduced to not much more than a long nose with wings extending below the eyes - the actor wanted to be able to use his eyebrows for expression), then another recently while I've written this entry.
There have also been other props - cheeses, huge chicken legs, hams, pies, a nut and a pretty good Punch and Judy.

The only link I can provide will show the Punch and Judy, but I'll try and add another album with photos of the masks I still have in it. http://spaces.msn.com/members/pimmslettuce/PersonalSpace - the Scrooge album, rather than Marley pics I think.

A8851935 - Creating papier-mâché masks

Post 23


Your Punch and Judy are brilliant!

A8851935 - Creating papier-mâché masks

Post 24


"To a lesser extent than Jim Carrey in "The Mask" one becomes the character the mask portrays"

I don't really understand this sentence.... is it just me?

A8851935 - Creating papier-mâché masks

Post 25


Oooh! I like that sentence. Is it unclear because you haven't seen the film or because the idea in the sentence isn't clear? I have already provided links that should make clear what the film is about. The idea is that, to an extent, someone becomes a different person when they put on a mask, affecting the way they are perceived both by others and by the mask wearer - changing the way the wearer acts.

A8851935 - Creating papier-mâché masks

Post 26


On fist reading, I thought that the charecter in the mask, was to a lesser extent.... then I didn't get it.

A8851935 - Creating papier-mâché masks

Post 27


Does post 25 make it clearer? Have you seen the film?

A8851935 - Creating papier-mâché masks

Post 28


Yes, no but I have seen the cartoon...

A8851935 - Creating papier-mâché masks

Post 29


Just for you midge smiley - winkeye I've rejigged the intro, putting Jim Carrey among the actors rather than the superheroes. It probably makes more sense now smiley - ok

A8851935 - Creating papier-mâché masks

Post 30

Sho - employed again!

oh the Punch & Judy are magnificent!

smiley - ok entry! can't wait o see it on the front page

A8851935 - Creating papier-mâché masks

Post 31


Sho, just for you (and any other papier-mâché junkies) I've added a papier-mâché photo folder to the earlier hyperlink: Pimms papier-mâché. Hope you like it. May be useful if this entry is fortunate enough to be deigned a picturesmiley - winkeye.
It also shows most stages in making Mr Punch, except stage when face stuck onto a balloon to make back of head (which ended up a bit too big and ended in Mr Punch getting a rear lobotomy and skull reduction smiley - yikes)

A8851935 - Creating papier-mâché masks

Post 32

Sho - employed again!

smiley - kiss

ok who can whistle...

smiley - whistle oh you Scouts...

A8851935 - Creating papier-mâché masks

Post 33


Thanks Claire and Sho for the praise smiley - blush Aw shucks...

now I've checked it is the Scrooge Pics that have Punch in, not the Marley Dress Rehearsal album (of course these are now repeated in the papier-mâché one). I suppose it could be any day now that a Scout might start hovering. Is the entry up to scratch? Does it need any other polishing?

I believe I've addressed the points you've all made so far (and thanks for making them smiley - ok) I've also added numerous EG links (as I tend to when I run out of other things to do smiley - winkeye) I decided against adding a link to Classic Poisons from the tenuous link for toxicity of fungicide in wallpaper paste. Did you realise there is only an entry about removing wallpaper? Ho hum smiley - yawnsmiley - zzz

A8851935 - Creating papier-mâché masks

Post 34


Making more sense now. Tah!

A8851935 - Creating papier-mâché masks

Post 35


Barring a late spurt of comments to be addressed I'd say this entry is ready to go (hint hint smiley - winkeye)

A8851935 - Creating papier-mâché masks

Post 36


Now here's a thought. Lying awake I wondered whether I had preempted a general entry on papier-mâché by describing its use in such detail in this entry? Supposing someone wished to write an entry on creating puppets, pantomime props or other oddities using papier-mâché?

It would be tricky to tear out the general elements of any papier-mâché construction from this, but possibly irritating to have to duplicate or refer back to this one in other entries unrelated to masks. On the other hand there is already another entry on making something from papier-mâché - pinatas.

A8851935 - Creating papier-mâché masks

Post 37


To be fair Party Pinatas A3788797 only spends about a paragraph on how to create the thing yourself. The methods of creation are assumed to be well enough known not to need detailed description.

Must remember on longer threads to include A8851935 near the start of each new page as a quicker link back to the entry.

A8851935 - Creating papier-mâché masks

Post 38


I don't think it matters if you go into a lot of detail about papier-mâché here and then someone does the same in another entry about making something else out of papier-mâché.

The alternative, I suppose, is to create a new entry just on papier-mâché, and link to it from this masks entry and also get the curators to link to it from the pinatas entry.

But... it would be tricky, as you say, to remove the instructions from this entry. And I shame, I think, as it hangs together so well.

I'd stick with what you've got here if I were you.

smiley - smiley Lbclaire

A8851935 - Creating papier-mâché masks

Post 39


This is fab smiley - ok

Just one minor thing I noticed, and I'm a bit unsure of -

Is it Plasticene, or Plasticine?

MJ smiley - smiley

A8851935 - Creating papier-mâché masks

Post 40

Sho - employed again!

smiley - smiley

and I think it would be great if someone would write a papier-mâché entry (it's on my mind this week as I have to make a pinata for Gruesome #1's party on Saturday - and it's gone literally pear shaped due to the balloon overheating and swelling in a strange way)

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