The Anarchists
Created | Updated Jan 31, 2003
You walk down a small alley, somewhere in the suburban sprawl of Terrania, where the gloom and the smell are almost overpowering. You turn at an innocent looking wall, and push in a single brick, the only one not covered by dust and grime.
The wall shudders, and swings outwards, revealing a room inside. Inside it, illuminated by the yellow light of a single bulb and the odd grey of a half-dozen computer screens, is a few tattered sofas, a table with a mini-fridge bolted to it, and a lot of weapons. A small poster hangs on one wall. Off in another room is Medbay, and off in the garage nearby is the Engineering Bay. Welcome to the Anarchist Liberation Front.
The News Was Boring Last Night. Let's Fix That, Shall We?