Join the Q: Owl Experience

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Join the Q: Owl Experience

I took part in an Owl Experience in late 2021. The experience was even better than I imagined it would be. I was given a leather gauntlet, and then just held out my arm - three different owls were willing to fly over to me at different times and they patiently sat on my hand while I took photos of them. As they did so well, they were amply rewarded with meaty treats by their handler.

I was pleased to be able to study the Long Eared Owl up close, and learned that they mainly only display their 'ears'1 when frightened, to make themselves look bigger and more scary. Then I met the Barn Owl and was able to study its plumage up close as well as taking pictures of it in flight. Finally, I met the Great Grey Owl - it was heavier than its smaller cousins, but I managed to support its weight, and was able to get impressive photos as it flew from perch to perch and then back to my arm.

Long Eared Owl sitting on a leather gauntletGreat Grey Owl sitting on a leather gauntlet
Great Grey Owl in flightBarn Owl landing on a leather gauntlet

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1Actually just tufts of feathers.

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