The h2g2 Post 16.12.24

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 16th December 2024

This week's title is More Calling Birds because we have a lot of birds this week. Clockwise from upper left: A dark-eyed junco huddling in a bush during a snowstorm, some brightly-coloured decorations indoors, a lemon tree with ripe lemons on it in a Georgia (US) garden, seabirds floating on grey water in northern Scotland, pintail ducks on the water's edge on the Wirral (UK), a pair of cardinals in a bush in snowy Pennsylvania (US), a swan closeup, from behind, in water, some black-and-white kittens snuggling on a flowered sofa, a Christmas ball hanging from an evergreen in snow-covered Austira, a hand cradling a dandelion in bloom and a bumblebee sleeping on it, and a large pelican sitting on a wooden harbour railing in Georgia (US).

Don't anybody tell us this week's issue is for the birds. The Post Editor hates puns and likes birds. Of course, we also like other animals, such as bumblebees and kittens and anything else anybody cares to point a camera at. There is truly beautiful wildlife to gaze upon in these pages, so gaze, already.

In the meantime, we aim to entertain you. You need to be entertained, we know. Between global uproar, the busy pre-holiday season, and the weather, lots of people in the northern temperate zone are kind of frazzled. The weather bureau got so confused during the recent snowstorm, which the Post Office experienced the milder portion of, that this appeared on my screen:

A weather posting that claims the temperature is 279333 degrees Fahrenheit

Even in Fahrenheit, that's wrong.

So we'll tell you stories that are even weirder than what the weatherpeople come up with: About robots that write hymns, about vampires in jail on the Isle of Wight, about mycelia and tardigrades and other wonders.

Ben Moore will tell you a tale about a bee. Awix will explain cinema. Willem will show you an exotic bird. Other Researchers will bring you season's greetings from wherever they happen to be. Round and round the planet goes, with all of us on it, waving to one another.

Please read, enjoy, leave comments, share where you do your sharing, stay warm and dry if you can, and have the best of all possible weeks.

Dmitri Gheorgheni

Cover for Life in Potentia, DG's new book, available from Lulu.Cover for A Crime Has Been Committed, the latest omnibus book, available from Lulu.Cover for A Trio of Tales, Paulh's new book, available from Lulu.
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Quote of the Week:
[I]t makes me giggle when they put the word "BABY" on the sonogram image. You know, in case you thought it was a pickup truck or a coffee mug.

– Alicia Anne Creger

Montage of clock images.

December 2024 Create Challenge:
Turn Back the Clock

Video Extra:
Kittens on a Rug
Click here in Ripley

Cardinal Pair

Male and female Cardinal in a bush,  by DG.



Dark-Eyed Junco

Dark-Eyed Junco by DG.


It Couldn't Bee Easier
(Ben Moore)

Bumblebee on dandelion by Ben Moore.

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