The h2g2 Post 26.08.24

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 26th August 2024

This week's title is Leaps of Faith. Clockwise from upper left: A blue-and-white budgie in human hands, Welsh hills from the point of view of a hiker (you can see his boots), a frog, two blue dumpsters reflected in the river, a pondskater on the surface of water with reflected clouds, another Welsh landscape, clouds in a deep-blue sky, and two more newly-fledge budgies in a hand.

A number of our contributors have taken leaps of faith this week. One was Bluebottle: he trusts the Isle of Wight's chairlifts, not only to get him safely to the top of the bluff, but also to provide fantastic views of sea and sky – and, occasionally, a spiritually uplifting moment. Such as the sight of 150 Buddhist monks and nuns riding the chairlift with him. You have to see these pictures.

Tavaron and family are adventurous bird fanciers. Their budgies have come up with some rare colour combinations. Revel in the cuteness.

Not content with spotting meditative sky passengers, Bluebottle brings us back down to earth with the fourth instalment of his ongoing tank series. These are armoured vehicles as you probably haven't seen them before. Take in the sights and admire the erudition.

Ever wonder what you're supposed to do if you encounter nesting seagulls? Paigetheoracle has information on that, courtesy of the bird rehabbers in Scotland. We are a public service periodical. He's also been noticing small wild creatures taking their own personal leaps of faith: across ponds and damp ground. He and Luna love exploring.

Robbie Stamp hasn't done any leaping. When you see the landscapes he's been hiking over, you'll be glad. The views are spectacular. We think the tourist board should hire him. Or else the local beer company. Enjoy these photos.

Robbie also provides us with the next set of national cloud photos. These are Welsh clouds. How they differ from English clouds, I don't know. I warned you about these patriotic cloud photos, didn't I? Just to even things out, I've thrown in a Pennsylvania cloud. I don't feel competent to represent all of the US. See if you can make out a picture from that one over the Post Office the other day.

We have other surprises for you to find in this issue. Go exploring among the humorous pieces, ongoing stories, and whatnot. Especially the whatnot. Awix will tell you about what he found in the cinema. I've got some more US election coverage for you to giggle at.

Please enjoy this late-summer week. Remember to tell us about it. Showing is good, too, hint, hint. Have a great week out there.

Dmitri Gheorgheni

Cover for The Building, DG's new book, available from Lulu.Cover for A Crime Has Been Committed, the latest omnibus book, available from Lulu.
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Quote of the Week:
If you see bison on the road, be patient and stay in your vehicle. Wait for them to move, and do not honk your horn. That will only make them go slower. A bison's level of aggressiveness, both physical and passive, is legendary.

(US) National Park Service

Hallstatt, Austria.

August Create Challenge:
Remembrance of Summers Past

Video Extra:
Rain Surprise
Click here in Ripley

Caterpillar Puzzle

Caterpillar by Tavaron.



Chapter 31
Dreams of Empire

Lives of the Gheorghenis by DG.


Pareidolia Puzzle
(Pennsylvania Clouds)

Imaginative cloud by DG.

The Post Office

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