The h2g2 Post 09.10.23

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 9th October 2023

This week's title is October Surprises. Against a backdrop of a very orange sunset over the Danube are arranged an arc of postcard images: a giant fish sculpture in a water found, spouting streams of water through its open mouth, a mysterious nightscape with lights that FWR thought looked like the movie Close Encounters, a wide daylight vista of the Dornoch Forth amid the Highland hills, a closeup of a startling European peacock butterfly, orange with dazzling peacock eyes, four of them, perched on pink asters, a really weird postcard pic of a clear glass cup of absolutely clear water sitting on a saucer with a spoon, Bluebottle calls this 'almost but not quite entirely unlike tea', and a final sunlit image of a teal duck splashing in a pond.

October is underway. Have you been surprised yet? Last Sunday, the weather in Hooverville astonished everybody. Not only did the bright sun shine upon the antique cars arrayed down Main Street but a new record high was set for the area of 25°C on the first of October.

The black walnut trees back of the Post Office are also full of surprises these days: when you least expect it, clusters of green walnuts the size of tennis balls, that go thunk! and bounce off the ground, the roof, the neighbours' kids' playhouse, etc. The tree celebrates each plunge with an accompanying shower of fluttering yellow leaves, rather like confetti. It's a beautiful sight, but disconcerting if you're not prepared, and has turned the backyard into a hard hat area. So, yes, surprises in October.

Bluebottle will surprise you, too, with the continuation of his story of a journey to the Netherlands that took him back in time. Like all tourists – indeed, rather like Arthur Dent – Bluebottle found that he and the locals differed on the subject of tea. Do read this. (Part III next week.)

Our contributors have seen some things: you can make up your own conspiracy theories about them. We gaze in wonder at Mrs Hoggett's giant duck egg, the mysteries of FWR's sign-translation app, the ghost I saw by the giant three-wheeler in broad daylight, and the Scottish Highlands, with and without accompanying mist.

There's cinema, and nutty thoughts, and even nuttier jokes, and nature to gawk at. Enjoy.

A word: we are not into forcing everyone into a mould here. We stand (and sit, and occasionally walk) on different surfaces of this whirling terrestrial ball we call home. We see it from a variety of angles. Predictably, we have different points of view. If you agree with everything said in here, I'd be very surprised. But we appreciate each other. Sometimes, we learn from one another. This is as it should be. Feel free to argue – but do so respectfully.

A shout-out to 2legs, who's back from hospital. All of you, have a great week, and remember: we're spying on the planet. Do so with love.

Dmitri Gheorgheni

Cover for The Building, DG's new book, available from Lulu.
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Quote of the Week. We should not get used to the sadism of the system. When such things happen, we should show normal human solidarity by telling, sharing, and reposting such information.

Alexei Navalny
Tombstone and trees.

October 2023 Post Challenge:
Tales to Make You Shiver

Video Extra:
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French Salamander

Salamander in water by Superfrenchie.



Close Encounter?

A nightscape that reminded the photographer of the scene with the aliens in Close Encounters. By FWR, who has an active imagination and a camera and is not afraid to use them.


Picturesque Cromarty
The Whirligig of Time

Cromarty roofs and whirligigs, by Paigetheoracle.
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