It's a Sign, Auto-Translated

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It's a Sign, Auto-Translated

FWR is delighted with the feature on his phone that allows him to take a photo of a sign and then get an instant machine translation. The Post Editor, a former professional translator, thinks he got what he deserved and is still laughing.

You don't get a translation from the editor because the editor ran out of Turkish vocabulary after remembering that 'dag' meant 'mountain'. (All my Turkish friends have always spoken German.)

We have questions: Why are salesmen forbidden? Who were they selling to? What are the scarecrows for? Apparently, nobody's taking the signs too seriously: FWR didn't want to be disrespectful and take photos inside but he informs us, 'There were at least three chooks nesting in there, and a rather gothy-looking black cat asleep on one of the few graves. I reckon it's the soul of a velvet salesman.'

(For non-UK speakers: 'chooks' are chickens. I asked.) – DG.

A Turkish cemetery sign which will not be reproduced in alt-text because the editor has already exhausted his meagre knowledge of that language by remembering that 'dag' means 'mountain'. So you'll have to make do with the machine translation, lucky you.
Translation: The rules to be followed in the cemetery area are forbidden to take place without a death certificate. It is forbidden to search graves in the cemetery area. Unauthorized logging and logging are forbidden in the cemetery area. It is forbidden forbidden to be stored in the cemetery site of the cemetery. It is forbidden to enter the cemetery area after sunset. It is forbidden to climb areas such as the wall surrounding the scarecrows, bars, etc, or to sit on the cemetery. Acts that violate the peace and quiet of visitors are forbidden in the cemetery area of damage the cemetery area. Irregular parking on roads within the cemetery area is forbidden. Salesmen are forbidden to enter the cemetery area. It is forbidden to keep poultry in the cemetery area and to feed small animals..
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