A Conversation for Immorternity - Chapter 33: I Do!
Immorternity - Chapter 33
Caiman raptor elk - Inside big box, thinking. Posted Jul 4, 2023
The green stuff is not just for getting older, but it also greatly increases resistance to all sorts of things (heat, cold, radiation, further aging, impact and pressure to name a few) and physical strength, which could turn out to be useful, looking at the way things are currently developing. Since the effects on humans are largely unknown, Caoilinn does feel a bit scared that she will age at the same rate that Ava and Eddie did, despite the (single piece of) evidence that Ava didn't age as much as Eddie in an absolute sense (Hence the 'Shall we be twins now?'). Changes in physical appearance can also be tricky if you happen to be a public figure like the PM.
Immorternity - Chapter 33
Caiman raptor elk - Inside big box, thinking. Posted Jul 5, 2023
You're welcome. Questions like that sometimes lead to new ideas or more detail later on.
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Immorternity - Chapter 33
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