I hope you've noticed that the Pliny Front Page is back in all its glory. There is much rejoicing among the Editors. Which is funny because now we have to work harder to bring you all that front-page copy. Oh, well. I don't mind. If you'll notice, you have some links to Stuff from this issue as well as a new creative challenge from the Post. I decided to try and thwart the Usual Suspects with this one. When we rack our brains for prompts for essays, everybody just talks about what they always talk about. You ask about the road not taken and you get another gardening or cooking discussion. You ask, 'What was your most thrilling moment?' and somebody writes back, 'The day my dahlia won a prize/When I discovered this great recipe...' O-kay, flowerpot and stockpot fans, here's a challenge: try to turn this prompt into a gardening column or recipe. I double-dog dare you (and yes, I know I will live to regret it).
Meanwhile, as they say, we have wonderful things for you to admire, mull over, and comment upon.
Awix has promised to watch Barbenheimer. I don't want to sit in a cinema, so I'm looking forward to it. Also, I'm allergic to pink and have been seeing atom bombs in my sleep since the Cuban Missile Crisis.
We have BIRDS. Also a cat, doing cat stuff, with FWR arguing with it. And some rhinos. I found a hippopotamus. It's ceramic and 4000 years old and represents something dangerous in the Afterlife. I have Opinions about it.
Speaking of opinions, you may have some about our fiction. At least, we hope you're reading it. These are Works In Progress, people. Okay, three of them are still 'in progress'. You can read the latest chapters in this issue. The other three are finished works of art. You can read them by clicking on the archive below. Speaking of works in progress, there's always something going on in Bluebottle's comic. Check out this week's action. We can't describe these things to you. You have to read them for yourselves. As Charles Ives famously said (almost), 'Stand up and take your dissonance like a sentient creature.'
Is that enough? In a word: no. We've got surprising photos from all over. We have intriguing signs. We have a caption challenge and a photo quiz and requests for your input all over the place. And oh, yeah, humour. Yes, that's what it is. See Charles Ives comment above.
Find out what's blooming in Tavaron's garden. And how Superfrenchie experienced Bastille Day this year. And, on this very page, what happens to the River Alness (or Averon) during a heavy rainfall. Learn about the white-barred robin, which I'll bet you've never heard of before. I certainly hadn't.
So go exploring. Leave comments, join conversations. And remember to take your cameras with you as you roam the planet this week. Send us your photos, videos, notes. Broaden our horizons.
 | Write the Post at: postteamhg-at-gmail-dot-com Tweet at the Post and Edited Guide: @h2g2_Guide |
Quote of the Week: Had a conversation about Oppenheimer at a wedding this weekend with someone who didn't know who he was, and then got mad at me for spoiling the ending of the movie.
– Emma Salisbury on what we still insist on calling 'Twitter'.