House of the Morningstar: Chapter 18
Created | Updated Mar 19, 2023
House of the Morningstar: Chapter 18
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Today the caravan arrived with two parcels for me. One was from home. André sent me some snacks that are hard to get around here and a few pictures which Kathy has painted for me. I hung them up in my room. I miss her terribly. The other was from Kelly, whom I called a few days ago. I told her about the latest incident and the things I found suspicious and therefore she apparently thought it would be funny to send me an old, battered paper copy of a book called 'crime scenes for dummies', which she had found in a box of discarded things at the archives in Katastropolis. She said that the progress of the new archives building is going as planned and it is almost finished and ready for the grand opening.
I stayed up late, reading Kelly's book at the canteen while having a few cups of tea. I was sitting behind one of the large, pitiful potted plants; that's why Bill didn't see me when he rushed by with one of his boxes labeled as 'BS' – that's Bill Stevenson. It was the same as last time I saw him doing this when the caravan arrived: he was in quite a hurry and seems like he didn't want to be seen. So, of course I put down my book on the table and quietly followed him. As I suspected he went to the storage hall at the gates to the canyon, where the caravan was still busy with unloading the last of their cargo. He put it down next to the crates which are due to go back to Katastropolis tomorrow. Fortunately nobody saw me take it.
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Driving Home
Elanor and Harry left the Morgenstern estate in the late afternoon. Just as they reached the suburbs of the city, the sun was setting, colouring the clouds in a vivid pink and orange. The mountains in the distance made the impression of a scenery of dark paper cutouts. Elanor let the city's automatic guiding system take over the car. They went down into the underground with all the other traffic. She looked over to Harry, who was reading on his pad. Something got her attention.
'What are you reading?'
'Just something about new technology. RoboFlux unweiled the new robot design. I don't think you're interested in that. There will be a presentation tonight.'
'Show me the pictures again,' Elanor told him.
'Why? You've never been interested in new technology,' he remarked, while showing her the pictures of a shiny four-legged robot. 'It's designed for a large number of tasks and also,' he quoted,'being your helpful companion in everyday life. Really amazing.'
Elanor thought for a moment, then said, 'You are the expert, tell me about FluxTec.'
'FluxTec was founded about 140 years ago by William S,' Harry began to explain. 'It is surprisingly hard to find out anything certain about him. You know, apart from the things everyone obviously just knows. I couldn't even find anything definite about his name.'
Elanor waved her hand 'Tell me the things 'everyone' knows, then.'
'Well... the actual face outside the company has always been William's son Victor. He was always proud to tell how his father did not come from a rich family or was just lucky but worked hard and long for his success. After what obviously were years or even decades of research. His first success came with the famous flux battery. FluxTec became famous almost overnight; they revolutionized technology. Victor went on to work together with leading engineers and scientists to invent new engines, communications, robotics... there's nothing he didn't try. FluxTec changed everything and Victor never got tired of telling how it was all his own and his father's ideas. People loved Victor, as he stood on the stage, presenting their new inventions,' Harry sighed. 'It must have been impressive. The Flux was and still is one of the most heavily protected secrets of technology. Only few of the greatest minds ever got the chance to get a glimpse how it is made.'
Elanor nodded 'And then? What happened to William S. And his son Victor? They died happily surrounded by their dearest?'
Harry shrugged, 'Well, it would seem like that. At least I couldn't find any records of illness or crimes involved. William never appeared in public; it is completely unclear if he even lived to see the success of his company. Victor got older and older - although it has to be said he aged surprisingly well. And then, at some point one of his sons took over the company and Victor did not appear in public anymore. It is assumed that he died some time later, at over 100 years old. I couldn't find anything about a funeral, however, so who knows. There are rumors about him lying in a cryogenic chamber; others think his consciousness still lives in a computer. Still others believe he left to travel the stars for eternity.'
Elanor held up her hand to cease the flood of words coming from Harry's mouth. 'Okay, okay, we're going.'
'Going where?' he asked confused.
'The presentation. We're going. You have convinced me.'
'But... ,' he narrowed his eyes, 'you don't even like robots.'
'Oh, don't worry, I'm sure I'll like it. Say... do you still have the drawing of the Martin girls in your pocket?'
Harry nodded and squirmed in his seat to get the by now rather crumpled piece of paper out of his pocket. When he succeeded he unfolded it and held it so both himself and Elanor could look at it.
'Oh,' Harry said.
Elanor nodded.
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