A Conversation for Ghost Walk

Maybe someone could make a movie about it

Post 1

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Like this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RIHuK89xEw

smiley - winkeye

Maybe someone could make a movie about it

Post 2

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and S.S.J.A.D.D...plus...S.N.A.F.U.


smiley - winkeyeWe got onesmiley - biggrin

When asked a question! The guide said:- Don't spook until your spooken to smiley - doh

Maybe someone could make a movie about it

Post 3

Caiman raptor elk - Inside big box, thinking.

Ghosts must be immortal. They already had that 25 years ago, if my memory isn't trying to fool me.

Maybe someone could make a movie about it

Post 4

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

The collective memory is always plotting to fool us.

Maybe someone could make a movie about it

Post 5

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and S.S.J.A.D.D...plus...S.N.A.F.U.

smiley - whistleandsmiley - winkeye
Most ghost stories etc are spoofs/cons/etc etc - co's you can see right through them smiley - dohsmiley - erm

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