A Conversation for The Building: Chapter 15: What's the Sumerian Word for Dictionary?

This story is tailor-made for someone who knows a boatload of languages

Post 1

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

At first, I wondered if the language offered was real one. It could have been a made-up language, or a coded message that would become English once you figured out what the code was. By the third or fourth one, I realized that French and German were being offered. *Modern* French and German, in a culture that predated the modern era by three or more millennia. No wonder the people were mixed up smiley - groan.

This is really fun. smiley - smiley

This story is tailor-made for someone who knows a boatload of languages

Post 2

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Well, it's fantasy. In an alternate universe. And I was too lazy to look up a lot of dead languages I don't speak, and the dead languages I DO know (a dozen of them, maybe) weren't around back then...so I went for modern ones and messed around. smiley - laugh

Glad you liked it.

This story is tailor-made for someone who knows a boatload of languages

Post 3

Caiman raptor elk - Inside big box, thinking.

Nice chapter.

I would advise against kissing a camel, even after eating a lot of chocolate on a sand dune.

Lucky me who can understand Dutch, German, French, English. I'll give the other ones a go to see what I missed.

This story is tailor-made for someone who knows a boatload of languages

Post 4

Caiman raptor elk - Inside big box, thinking.

With the help of St.Google I figured out most of the others. (Kurdish, Hindi, Arab, Croatian) The second speaker's language remains a mystery though. So if you want to repeat the trick in the present day, I would choose that one to start with.

This story is tailor-made for someone who knows a boatload of languages

Post 5

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - snork I agree. I knew which one it was when I translated it and then got a transliteration, but darned if I remember what it was. Definitely a language in the general area...

This story is tailor-made for someone who knows a boatload of languages

Post 6

Caiman raptor elk - Inside big box, thinking.

I found out it is also Arab. The trouble is that it transliterates slightly different into Dutch, which is what google translate probably expects from me. It guessed Finnish instead.

This story is tailor-made for someone who knows a boatload of languages

Post 7

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

It did that to me when I tried to back-translate it, too. smiley - laugh I could have sworn it was intended to be Arabic, instructions to move the ladder.

This story is tailor-made for someone who knows a boatload of languages

Post 8

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - rofl

Great chapter!

This story is tailor-made for someone who knows a boatload of languages

Post 9

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Thanks! smiley - hug

This story is tailor-made for someone who knows a boatload of languages

Post 10

SashaQ - happysad

smiley - oksmiley - winkeye

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